Putin a fan of Rothchilds/Rockefeller?
Putin began reshaping covert geopolitical power structures when he and his colleagues moved to stamp out influence of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers working inside Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989-90.
Parasites, Oligarchs and Maf!a proxies oh my. Agents of the G7 Nazi continuum goal was to secure Russian oil and gas to prop up the US petrodollar Ponzi nexus. They failed and since 1998 it appears Putin has ensured everyone knew it.
In the West you generate useful debt to control sovereign treasuries whether your raising or collapsing the banking system. After each collapse theres a fire sale. For bankers, you don’t just buy the dips; you create the dips. Money is the mechanism which makes people poor.
It appears Putin’s Russia has been teaching the G7 Nazi continuum a rather obvious lesson: fiat paper currencies are not money; gold is money. As nations started accumulating Gold again, G7 has been trying to reduce its worth. Why?
They have been rigging the markets to keep the price of gold down, by printing trillions of new fake dollars and euros on QE computer screens, by squeezing Western taxpayers. All the while the C0mm!ttee of 300 accumulates quadrillions
The G7 bnk'g synd!cate versus the rest of the planet
B4 & during the Second WW, Nazis covertly took over the MB and turned it into a controlled terrorist organization, using them to provide expendable and cannon-fodder to fight British and French colonial influences in the Mdle E
They are still embedded in several Western gov'ts, Still protected by rogue factions within their national security cadres, and has kept the MB running in the background ever since. They use rad!cal ‘!slam!sts’ because "they don’t cost much, and they can be made angry easily."
Unbeknownst to most of MB rank & file members, is a long-established Mdl Estrn street gng which works for the R0thch!ld bnk'g synd!cate to create opportunities for financial profit by fomenting unnecessary !nternat!0nal c0nfl!ict.
If Assad was gone, the banks could be looted, its oil and gas could be stolen, foreign military bases could be estbl'd for drug trafficking purposes, and Qatar and SA could build their gas pipeline through Syria, unopposed, to supply Europe and support the US petrodollar scam.
If Merkel and others were working to under mine Putin by way of their covert naz!s they could divide the nation.

What has occured since? SA leadership change, Trump elected, really a complete shift in the R0thch!lds entire plan. Makes one wonder who is working with who?
Going back in time machine I recall in 2014 Merkel and BHO were up against Putin and low and behold, China was backing Putin. Remember, China held tril's of US debt. Strange bedfellows, but are Russia, China, & US (Trump) playing capture the flag @verndog68
Always remember though, when you play the game of RISK, eventually you go up against everyone. This thread in no way means I believe they are besties. It just means they 'may' have agreed to go after the other players first.
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