Every time Clash of Civilizations comes up, I have to point out the shoddiness of Huntington's research. Feel free to pile on.

1. European Turkey isn't Orthodox.
2. Bosnia should be part Western.
3. Kazakhstan isn't Orthodox.
4. Kaliningrad isn't Western; it's part of Russia.
5. Either Tibet should be Sinic or Xinjiang Muslim.
6. If Kenya's Muslim minority should be green, so should Ethiopia's.
7. Papua New Guinea is not Western.
8. Sierra Leone is mostly Muslim.
9. Guinea-Bissau is half Muslim.

All this even if we accept Huntington on his own terms.
There's a moral here for anyone coding data: come up with clear rules and stick by them. If applying these rules forces you to code something in a nonsensical way, revise the rules and apply them to all casss. Don't make exceptions. Or rely on gut feelings. Neither is replicable.
10. Caught another mistake thanks to @ProfPaulPoast's excellent thread on teaching CoC: Eritrea is not Muslim. Its population is evenly split between Christians and Muslims, and its ruling party is overtly secular. That removes Eritrea/Ethiopia as an intercivilizational conflict.
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