Buffy rewatch threaddd
I just made this to keep track of how many times I express my want for Xander to CHOKE
@ Owen is u ok bb
Xander can choke x2
Honestly early seasons Xander is like the most annoying, immature, antagonistic, misogynistic character I've ever seen
I am actually losing my MIND over Angel saying he cant do CPR because he "Has no breath" I CANT 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
The established, contradictory vampire laws are my favorite part of every vamp story. Like none of them make sense. I LOVE
"I have no breath" I'm still-
Spike just showed up
i love that Spike literally just showed up and slow clapped in his r&b dramatic trench coat and threatened Buffy and everyone is like 'WE NEED ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET THIS GUY SEEMS SERIOUS' his POWER
in case you needed to know, Spike's first words to Buffy are "nice work, love" IN CASE YOU NEEDED TO KNOW
Wait Buffy's first words to Spike are "Who are you?" and her last of the show is "Spike". I NEED A MOMENT
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