Late last week, I received a message from I can only hope was from am MAGA umm.. idiot. He wanted to know why I,a Canadian was getting involved in something that wasn't any of my business- meaning becoming a part of the #Resistance . I had no right to offer my 2 cents in US ...
politics. That your 'commander in brief' was the best thing happen to the country in generations.
Of course in true cowardly fashion- he blocked me so I couldn't respond to him directly. So please- be patient #Resisters while I babble this is going to take a couple minutes-
Yes, I am a PROUD Canadian- for that I'm not going to apologize. I live about half way between Buffalo NY and Toronto. Like almost 90% of the Canadian population- I live within 250 miles of the US Border. I have friends in relatives living the US- and enjoy visiting them.
I visit them as often as I can. I've had the opportunity to visit every state/province and territory with the exception of Hawaii over the past decade. Talked to thousands of Americans. I can say- honestly- I have never felt uncomfortable anywhere in the US. Even people with
different beliefs (ie gun control, health care) were willing to discuss the differences with respect and logic. Like any place on this planet- one has to be careful where they go- if you want trouble - in Chicago, Boston. NYC or Toronto, Halifax or Regina- you CAN find it.
Something happened in 2016 - I don't know what. Something that I'm sure has always been there-and here in Canada. Something ugly. People started to change and not for the better. All of a sudden- everything was the fault of the bogey man - jobs were being taken away from the
average American and given to someone in a sweatshop overseas. People around the world- looking for a better life for their families took incredible risks to give that better life to their children- some paid with their lives. People wanted to know why their job were gone, why
the coal mines closed and the jobs vanished- must be the 'libtards' with all that 'climate change crap'. Why did it appear the rich were getting richer- and the average person was suffering. 8 yrs under @BarackObama it appeared that things weren't great. People were losing
their homes and retirement savings so a loved one could get cancer treatment. It wasn't right. We have to look at facts- unemployment was at an all time low- well at least that hasn't been seen in generations. You had a President who wanted so much for the American people
but was fought every time he attempted to do anything. Some people actually question if the President was actually American. Let's remember the day that @POTUS44 took office- someone made a promise- that they would fight everything this President did. Not because what he
wanted to do was bad for the country- but because this President wasn't of his party- or was it something else? Is this when the out and out bigotry started? Name any other President that was forced to produce a birth-certificate. Special interests groups started to lobby and
fund these politicians and created large war chests to fight those who opposed their interests-even if it wasn't in the nations best interests. When ever their was a problem- these people attempted to blame the President. Some people started to give up hope-it was @BarackObama
fault. I guess what I'm babbling about- and frankly I'm not even sure if I can post anything this, is that the present president isn't going to 'make America great'- he's destroying it. Civil liberties are at risk. People are walking hundreds/thousands of miles
looking for hope- and they are being put in cages. THIS IS NOT THE AMERICA I know or love. Americans are suddenly afraid of the person next to them because they look a little different- or pray differently. They are afraid of the unknown. And someone is playing into it.
We all know who/what is making Americans distrust each other. I think we all may even know why. Who's business interests benefits from Americans fighting each other? Which country or should I say countries benifits from a weak America? I hate to suggest this but it looks like
a new cold-war is happening- and this time America isn't prepared. I hope and pray- yes, I do that occasionally- that Americans will realize what's going on and the people do something about it- in 2020 - if not before. In the meantime- understand- every decision that person
in the WH opens his mouth-it hurts not only America- but also those close to you. Believe it or not- there is no bigger ally then Canada- in every way imaginable. The reason why the threat to close the border with Mexico was just a threat and not acted on was because the effect
that would have on the US economy would be horrific- the same if the Canadian/US border. Most people don't know that amount of trade that crosses these borders on a daily basis is more then some countries annual GDP. Mutual trade is good for everyone- it helps the steel
worker in the mid-west, and the potato farmer in Idaho.

One more- then I promise I'll stop. We have always respected each other's laws and traditions. Dump (please note I have yet to use his name) decides he wants to start a trade-war with a certain Asian country- but
realises that doing so the reprisals may be severe so he try's to find other ways to 'WIN'. Someone suggests (I refuse to think it was his idea- he isn't that smart)- holding someone hostage in a trade war. The Justice Department comes up with a plan- they find a business
executive from a Asian's tech company- issue an arrest warrant and see what happens. The executive, on their way to Mexico attempts to board a flight in Vancouver. She was greeted by RCMP officials who held her to face extradition to the US charges. Of course the country in
question demands the release of their national but because Canada is a 'rule of law' country with an extradition treaty with the US- she would have to go to court to fight for her freedom. Less then 72 hrs later, in an interview- your 'idiot in chief' states he has heard about
the situation and he could help it all go away if he got the trade deal he wants. Soooo.. is this need for the extradition a criminal case or is it political? It already cost the Canadian ambassador to this Asian's country his job because he suggested it might be political.
In the mean time- the country in question starts doing everything possible to make Canada release this executive- including arresting Canadian citizens on questionable charges and stop buying Canadian products- including 40% of all the canola Canadian farmers produce-
That's 2.7 BILLION dollar hit that we are taking- why? Because someone violated US law- or some orange mans trade dispute?

So much more I want to say- and I will- but until then I encourage every #resister to join the @ACLU- for your children and your country. Love/Peace
You can follow @brianlewis3282.
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