The 12th house sign, the planet that rules it, and the other sign/house that planet rules, often describe what trips you up, deceives you, or how you screw yourself over. (add the sign, house, and dignity of the ruling planet for more n u a n c e )

Jupiter rules your 12th house, making existential themes and the act of completion a struggle point for you. Since Jup rules your 9th as well, you may have grand visions and high goals, but overcommitment and overextension may have you overwhelmed and frustrated.

Mars rules your 12th house, making anger (and the lack of expressing it) a major self sabotage point. Since Mars also rules your 7th house of relationships, avoiding conflict in your partnerships is a great way to screw yourself over. Don't let it fester, bb.

Venus rules your 12th house, creating self sabotage themes around social and creative matters. Venus also rules your 5th house of creativity, art, romance, and self expression: overthinking & trying to be all things to all people can create a self sabotage pattern.

Mercury rules your 12th house, making mental and organization matters a potential struggle. Mercury also rules your 3rd house of communication and scheduling: you may find yourself not knowing how to speak up or getting overwhelmed with too many to-dos.

The Moon rules your 12th house, & only your 12th house, indicating that you may have trouble understanding your needs, nurturing yourself, and knowing how to feel your feelings. The Moon's placement by house can tie in areas of life to this theme.

The Sun rules your 12th house, & only your 12th house, indicating that a self of purpose or selfhood, knowing who you are, or allowing yourself to shine can be a source of struggle for you. The Sun's placement by house can tie in certain areas of life to this theme.

Mercury rules your 12th house, making mental & organization matters a potential struggle. Mercury also rules your 9th house of learning and spirituality, and you may find yourself under a pile of books or having spent $$ on courses (or schooling) you never finished.

Venus rules your 12th house, making social and creative matters a potential self sabotage point. Venus also rules your 7th house of relationships: you may feel like you have to Be Something You're Not for someone else, making you feel insecure or even resentful.

Mars rules your 12th house, making anger & motivation a self sabotage theme. Mars also rules your 5th house of recreation and self expression: you may find yourself wanting to dick around instead of get shit done, or letting a loud mouth get you into trouble.

Jupiter rules your 12th house, making existential themes and completion a potential struggle. Jupiter also rules your 3rd house of communication and scheduling: you may find yourself overcommitted and triple booked, or overthinking the effects of your words.

Saturn rules your 12th house, making discipline and maturity potential self sabotage themes. Saturn also rules your 1st house: you may feel tragically different than everyone else, be so hard on yourself you quit before you start, or neglect your personal needs.

Saturn rules your 12th house, making discipline and maturity potential self sabotage themes. Saturn also rules your 11th house of friends and aspirations: you may pick friends that don't have your back, isolate yourself from others, or feel hopeless abt ur dreams.
This thread is just meant to give you a taste of how I often go about delineating the 12th house, and "weaknesses" in a chart. It is certainly not complete or conclusive!
The inquisitive reader may have noticed that I allowed the nature of the rising sign and its ruler to add a layer of nuance, particularly that of contrast.
Taurus and Scorpio risings both have the ruler of the 12th also ruling the 7th, but one avoids conflict and expressing anger (Mars 12th, Venus 1st struggles), while the other aims to please then garners resentment (Venus 12th, Mars 1st).
Obviously, a one tweet delineation will not describe everyone, but these are meant to get you thinking about the ruler of a sign being in charge of how those topics manifest, and how the other house the planet rules can link topics to another.
And before someone strolls into my mentions saying "Neptunian things" are always involved in self sabotage... substance abuse and depression are always fucking bad for you, that doesn't mean Neptune or Pisces rules the 12th house. I swear to god just miss me with all that
Thank you @gemeauxlogy for inspiring me to do this thread because of this tweet, and for @lipandbone for inspiring me further with his question in response!
You can follow @justjogleason.
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