Hating children is not a personality trait.
People try to mask their hatred for children as “being edgy” when the reality is you just don’t see children as whole human beings. Even “socially conscious” people fail to see children as a marginalized group. How is it that we’re excluding the most vulnerable?
People are replying trying to equate hatred of children to societal expectations to have children and it’s just another way to try to justify your hatred. One is not like the other.
Being pressured into parenthood and being expected to want kids, especially women, is exhausting to deal with. Not everyone wants children and that needs to be respected and normalized, as well. But not wanting them doesn’t excuse you hating children, though.
Look at all the comments in response to this lol. People proudly saying “they’re annoying, fuck them, I hate kids, etc.” but again, it’s totally cool cause it’s just kids. Not like they deserve minimum respect or anything.
I think people get thrown off with “hatred of children” cause people automatically think it refers to child abuse and it’s something they personally wouldn’t do or condone, but it’s deeper than that. It’s about the way we view and think about children.
And yes this also applies to people with kids who only see them as property rather than individual beings. I know people write all this off as “just an overly sensitive mom,” but I’ll keep addressing it so that it’s not seen as a radical concept.
NEWAYZ. Blocking everyone replying to this and muting convo now. ✌🏽✌🏽
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