I’m gonna start a “shit I see at work” thread
Today I saw a man sniffing and licking his fingers, then he said smell it to his gf, his gf smelt it and screamed “EWWW THATS DISGUSTING” then he licked it off.

Then two mins later he said he wants to fuck - they got up and left.
I just had some crackhead come up to me at work and tell me how sexy I am and how he wants to do so many things to me......brb while I crawl into a pit
Just had some girl with shit all over her fingers come up and ask me for help. The smell was so bad. Then when I said I can’t use the ID’s she gave me she stuck her SHIT. COVERED. FINGERS. IN. HER. MOUTH.
Yesterday I saw a woman pick her belly button and sniff it.
Today I saw a woman clipping her nails in the food court.
Today I saw a woman walking her headphones - like literally dragging them behind her on the ground
Today I saw a kid with her shirt tucked in her bra with hockey shin pads on her legs !!
Forgot this existed. Two days ago @biggieta11z pointed out human version of the Phillie Phanatic so that was good
I can’t wait until I can post on this thread again
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