There’s a Bush appointee in the 6th Circuit who thinks that coerced sterilization of incarcerated people in exchange for a reduced sentence is just “free contraceptive service.” #TeamLegal
And given this country’s history of forced sterilization in communities of color and for people with disabilities, I think it’s time we all start freaking out.

Or continue freaking out, if you’ve been freaking out this whole time like me
Someone recently was asking me whether I thought these abortion restrictions are about increasing white birthrates. They said, but it would increase black and brown birth rates too, right? So how does that make sense?

And I said…
... the Black infant mortality and maternal mortality rate would take care of some of it, and considering the prison population demographics, ✌🏾coerced sterilization✌🏾 could take care of the rest.

Just keep funneling Black and brown people into prison and sterilizing them.
Also, we need to talk more about the intersection of reproductive rights and disability.

SCOTUS ruled in Buck v. Bell that it was perfectly constitutional to forcibly sterilize people with disabilities.

“Three generations of imbeciles is enough.” - Oliver Wendell Holmes
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