A thread on liberals, accountability, projection and psychoses illustrated by the artwork of Jim Carrey.
As I grow older and more worldly, I notice that the common denominator between those on the left and the right - or the r and K selected if you will - seems to be a sense of personal responsibility and accountability.
And anyone who has ever lived a day in this world will have noticed that their lying eyes may have detected a pattern that responsibility and accountability both seem to fall more heavily on the male end of what Bill Nye the Science Guy termed the gender spectrum.
Before we begin, let’s preface this discussion with a quote from Jack Nicholson’s writer character from the movie As Good As It Gets.
Fan: “How do you write women so well?”
Jack: “I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability.”
Some of you may have noticed that despite protests of tolerance and “love wins”, many angry people on the left often seem consumed by not only hate, but a near-psychopathic insistence that their enemies are brimming with hatred, rage, anger and all manner of negative emotions.
To read the tweets of the average Twitter leftist warrior, one would think that the civil rights movement never happened and that we live in a world dominated by slave-owning mysoginsts who are hell-bent on recreating a real-life dystopia of 1984 mixed with The Handmaiden’s Tale.
Yet, in my admittedly biased analysis, when I view tweets from rightists I feel more a sense of despair, shock, and self-admitted about how our current Clownworld has materialised and the upcoming even worse Pissearth.
I believe that the true mark of masculinity, and thus the spark that builds civilisation, is the ability to acknowledge one’s own faults and wrongdoing. To embody, as Jack said, reason and accountability.
The sad fact of our current Honk Honkapocalypse is the glorification of victimhood over heroism. Perceived suffering and victimhood is now the holiest of holies, no matter how surreal or fake this so-called victimhood is.
This we have our Current Year: where our elites also revel in their supposed persecution and pain - emphasising their agony while still lording over us and never acknowledging their very real privilege and elite status.
Enter former funnyman Jim Carrey. As a boy I loved this guy. His work in early films like Ace Ventura, The Mask and Dumb and Dumber with undoubtedly hilarious. He was a fantastic comedy actor and earned millions of dollars and fans through these funny films.
All that’s now changed. To understand this it’s worth remembering that comedians hold a special place in modern society. They’re the pastors of 2019 & their skits are contemporary sermons. More than anyone else they hold a captive audience because humour is seen as truth to power
If you follow Jim’s twitter, you’ll know that he long ago gave up on jokes & comedy. His twitter is now a perpetual feed of poor artwork lambasting Trump, rage against anything outside the Overton window, & glorifying his own sadness over anything that goes against The Narrative.
Where there is positivity it is strictly reserved for the hallowed saints of our Progressive Age. Here for example is one of Jom’s paintings of Whooping Goldberg: a person who has achieved nothing more than being a successful black female actress.
His artwork is legitimately unhinged and insane. But does Jim really feel so strongly against populism and threats to the right side of history? Or is it something else?
Is it possible that Carey’s rage stems not from anger towards Trump’s policies or perceived social injustice? Or is it something else? Let’s look at some of the history of multi-millionaire Jim Carrey to understand more.
You might know that Jim nearly faced trial when his ex girlfriend Cathriona White killed her self in 2015. Cath Rioja was a married woman who had an affair with Carrey and took her own life from a drugs overdose.
In her suicide letter, she blamed Carrey for her suicide, citing that he introduced her to drugs, prostitutes and infected her with herpes.

“You introduced me to cocaine, prostitutes, mental abuse and disease.”
Page 2 of the suicide note
Now I want to say here that I don’t know what is true or not. None of us do. Anyone who knows women will know that they have a tendency during times of stress to shift blame and perhaps Cathriona saw an opportunity to blame someone rich and famous for her own issues and problems.
I especially want to emphasise this because I have seen friends zapped from Twitter for discussing the Carrey case. I am not saying Cathriona’s accusations were 100% true and there’s no proof of that.
(An interesting aside though is that when Carrey nearly faced trial over this case, the lawyer representing her parents in suing Carrey was none other than now disgraced lawyer Michael Avenatti from Stormy Daniels fame)
However, what I would like to say is that this kind of accusation and suicide - whether true or not - will take a toll on any man’s soul. When a life is loss, anyone involved should naturally self-reflect and ponder if their actions inadvertently led to someone taking a life.
Yet what I see in Carrey’s case is a failure to introspect and instead a doubling down in holiness spiralling against the so-called reigning evils of the world, somewhat akin to a medieval apope who blames his infidelity on the rise of Protestantism.
Since the Cathriona White incident, Jim has devoted his social media and entire mental space to staging a one-man crusade against Trump who he sees as the embodiment of all evil and nothing less that Satan’s incarnation on Earth - albeit a secular version in his atheist head.
Carrey obviously and naturally feels a huge sense of guilt over his ex girlfriends suicide - rightly or wrongly - but instead of analysing his own behaviour and accepting self-responsibility, he has instead chosen the easy option of projecting his self-hatred onto others.
Hence his severe case of epic and overblown Trump Derangement Syndrome - one of the most severe of all cases. Yet it serves as an important example to us all. We must question those who quickly leap on others’ “hatred” and “prejudice” and wonder what guilty secrets they harbour.
Projection is real. Disavowal of one’s own sins is real. It is easier to lambast others rather than acknowledge one’s own faults and sins. Perceptive people must keep this at the forefront of their minds every time they see a leftist tirade against something quite reasonable.
As a PS it is also worth considering the reality of demons. Demons are not to be mocked or messed with. In his standout film The Mask, Carrey played a character who transformed when wearing a mask that contained the spirit of the Norse trickster god Loki.
The Mask may have brought Carrey fame and fortune, but gods and demons dislike having their names used in vain for frivolity. Loki may have left a greater influence on Jim Carrey other than millions of dollars and a Beverley Hills mansion.

“Somebody stop me”
Damn. Hate when I view these threads and then notice a ton of typos thanks to autocorrect. My apologies for the many autocorrected typos that affect this thread.
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