Read the following tweets for information about my new project, #TheStarPieceProject.
Story teaser:

The universe has so very many systems. All of these complex systems keep balance in the universe like weights and counterweights and keep the universe ticking like the many gears of an unbelievably massive clock. (Continued)
These systems were for God to use and for man to never touch. But, when faced with our extinction, we forgot this. We tried to rip the gears from our clock and use them to defend ourselves. We failed of course. He were foolish to attempt such a thing. (Continued)
Our mistake has unleashed the elements of the universe, light, dark, life, death, mind, fire, water, thunder, time, ice, chaos, and war just to name a few, upon a multiverse of people, places, and stories. Our foolishness and arrogance was our true extinction event. (Contained)
It will take some very exceptional people to right our wrongs and, just maybe, somehow save the multiverse from an even more complete destruction.
More of the story will be revealed as time goes on. Rn I am working on creating an extreamly detailed timeline for use when developing the project. I'll keep you all up to date on my progress. #TheStarPieceProject will be mostly made up of novels and at least one game.
The game is in active development but currently without a title. I am developing it with @Daandar334. It will probably be the first chapter of the project to release. It will be a looter on the Roblox platform.
I will post more updates to this string as frequently as I can. All likes and retweets of this string and usage of #TheStarPieceProject is greatly appreciated.
I will gladly answer any and all questions about this project that are DMd to me. I can't promise too much detail but I will answer.
I'm incredibly thankful for the warm response you've all given to the reveal of #TheStarPieceProject! I just wanted to add that I've been working on this project since summer 2017 so I am fully invested in making this the best it can be!
Soon, I'm going to need some people to help me test the game in development for #TheStarPieceProject. I'll be picking a few people who follow me once I hit 1.3K followers. Spread the word!
#TheStarPieceProject update time! I'm still working on the detailed timeline I've been making for a few months. Progress is kinda slow going as I explore a few alternative options for introducing and handling a very important character. I've got to get it right!
This important character is crucial to the new ending I'm writing. But, her existence also breaks some of the plot points leading up to the ending so they need to be tweaked. Don't worry, it will all be worth the extra work in the end, she's a real game changer for everything.
I've wanted to introduce her for a long time. I've played with the idea but it's quite ambitious. It'll be the hardest and most in-depth character relationship I've ever attempted but I've finally decided I need to give it a try since I'm lacking in that area.
Im going to try to give more frequent updates, hopefully close to daily minor updates. I hate leaving everyone hanging but sometimes it's hard to give updates about #TheStarPieceProject story beats I'm working on without spoiling them.
#TheStarPieceProject will take place all over a massive multiverse. The first world to be explored will be a kingdom under siege, a world directly in the path of the most destructive being in history as he rampages his way to total domination.
This starting story will be far from the beginning of the timeline. But, it was the first story I created and from were all other stories branched off from. It's by far the longest, best, and most important story in the project.
All other stories in #TheStarPieceProject will be seen as prequels, sequels, or spinoffs from this 6 part saga. No clue as to an ETA for the first part, but I'm working on it. I'd say a decent estimate would be about this time in 2020, give or take a few months.
I know that's a long wait. But, the game currently in development for the project should hopefully release in an early state by the end of the year, assuming the current creative difficulties are resolved soon.
As always, all likes and retweets are greatly appreciated as I try to spread awareness about the project.
I just added the first new story arc I've created in at least 6 months to my timeline. I've had the entire story finished in a basic sense for a long time. But, I needed something to happen to allow the new character I mention previously to get more time in the spotlight.
I needed her to have more immediate involvement in the story so I had to do something. My new arc ended up both tying up many unfinished story arcs as well as strengthening the 4th chapter of the story to a point where it feels valuable.
This new arc will also establish 2 characters that will play major roles later on. Establishing them earlier instead of later should serve to give their roles in bringing the story to a close more impact. This will also give me a reason to flesh them out more.
That's something I've wanted to do for a long time but never did.
For the time being, the part of #TheStarPieceProject I've been talking about recently, that will be the first novel released for the project, will be called Project One. I hope I've made it clear enough in the past when I was referring to Project One.
If I haven't, I'll gladly clarify if asked via mentions or DM, both are fine.
I'm thinking about combining the first two parts of Project One. I've been looking at it and those two are the shortest. I'm just trying to decide if they are too short or not. They were supposed to be pretty separate plots, though, so idk how it would feel to be one item.
I've talked a lot about my struggles to introduce a new character. She was originally supposed to be introduced in about the middle of Part One and have sporadic involvement after that. But, I'm really loving the possibilities of character relations she opens up.
It's been over a year since I've had this kind of fun with the possibilities of wonderful, meaningful character interactions. I'm actively working to extend her plot involvement to allow for deeper relations.
Alright, I've decided. Chapters one and two of Part One are being combined. I'm working on the combination in my timeline now.
"All is silent unlit it isn't. A noise, no matter how soft, can be deafening after an eternity of silence. So, if you choose to listen to that which has never spoken, you run the risk of hearing it speak. And facing the consequences."
Above was a quote from Elder Joseph, the wisest man in kingdom.
Been a long time since my last update, my apologies. The story is progressing well. A lot of new plot threads are being added as to give the story more connection and focus.
You can follow @GraneteJ.
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