Well then... This would explain the whole LOONAVERSE and this scene
The same as XIVX so maybe we are going to get the song that was from that teaser?
Interesting... Shows the "mirror" of LCM and the color from Egoist aka Choerry and Olivia-two very important people from the LOONAVERSE
Same effect as Vivi as well as mirroring Olivia from Egoist
Its possible that The burning of the tape in Egoist somehow affected everyone in "all LOONAVERSES" which explains why Olivia is in Paris where the other YYXY is in XIIIX
Compared to the other butterflies that were shown in XIX, this one is a different 13th one that's more deconstructed and was the starting of this teaser. There was no moon present, leading me to believe that this chain of events is before Hi High aka 12 finally becoming 1
Not only that, if you listen closely to the teaser, you hear one thing: cassette tapes being used. In the solos, there have been instances of members using the tapes....
As well as audio of the cassette tapes being used/cut off
Concerning the "equal and parallel to" comment that's on the top of this thread, it leads back to a theory that was being passed around right as Chuu was revealed. To put it simply, every member is parallel with someone starting from the "split" of 6. The breakdown is in the next
Kim Lip+Jinsoul
It's possible that this layout got thrown out the bus when Yves tampered with everything with the claw machine... Or because of the rewind effect everything got thrown into shambles.
Consider this: because of the constant rewinding the girls are doing (thanks to Gowon or because the cassette tapes have that power idk), it has corrupted their way of living. This might explain the constant flashing of ++ and xx in the # teaser
Maybe it explains the constant repetition we see in the butterfly mv/teaser... They have rewinded so much that they have "bleed" into other realities and made copies of themselves... Copies that are "equal and parallel to"
Maybe the constant repetition and rewinded ANNOYED THE FUCK OUT OF YYXY which might answer one reason of why the hell they blasted out of eden: they lived in routine and wanted to get out of it.
The repetition and rewinding annoyed the LOONA girls-as well as making them suffer-sooooo much that they found out one way to escape the rewinding and be free like in Hi High:
That's the end of my theory thread. If you enjoyed it or have any questions, just let me know. And STAN LOONA
Since I'm seeing a lot of people mention the Icarus theory I'll give my two cents on it. Maybe something terrible happened (or olivia went all pyro on everyone's asses) Well they had to do something: destroy their "perfect world" in order to save all.
The rewinding made the girls find each other time and time again. It's possible that they have rewinded 5000+ times. This explains why they are so nonchalant when they meet each other, because they've done it time and time again (not pictured: Yves and Choerry)
This might explain why Hyunjin smiles when she sees the bracelet Gowon sent her: she knew she would do this as she has done this countless times.
Overall the rewinding of theirs is constant and annoying so maybe Burn will show them ACTUALLY breaking the loop once and for all. And with the breaking of the loop, everyone will be saved and no one will get hurt. And the events of Hi High-a time where everyone is happy-stays
Wow this went around. Idk what to plug but read my timeline theory I guess https://twitter.com/CuntyGowon/status/1081282697496911872?s=19
You can follow @CuntyGowon.
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