The relatively static norms in our society have been called by the names of change and progress. Most people are conservative by nature, so they conform to the norm of “progress.” Because of this sleight of hand, deeply conservative people believe themselves to be revolutionaries
Actual revolutionary change is risky, dangerous, and destructive. Radical action is only radical when it goes against the norm. The norms of a large group cannot be radical by definition.
Actions that appear radical yet are performed with social sanction are not radical, they are ritual.
The foundational myth of American society is the revolutionary war. American civic identity is constructed by framing your own life in terms of the foundational myth, i.e., as a revolutionary act against an oppressive authority
Every American teenager lives out the revolutionary myth as a coming of age ritual. Since real radicalism is largely illegal, and since teenagers are horny, their revolutionary act usually takes the form of sexual depravity
The coming of age ritual in American modernity is esoteric in the sense that the rules are never spoken or even precisely defined. Each initiate is expected to invent or at least intuit the rules purely from social cues in mass media
Sexual transgression is the gateway to adulthood in our culture. Pre-marital sex was once considered a major transgression. As that has become normalized, sodomy, homosexuality, transsexuality, and illegal drugs have increasingly made their way into this ritual consciousness
People (primarily men) who fail to navigate the esoteric rites of adolescent sexual transgression are stigmatized with an outsider status and have difficulty building social capital with the sexually “transgressive” center
The majority of society, which operates within the normative center, believes itself to be revolutionary because each member of society synthesizes a “revolutionary” sexual identity as they come of age. In fact nothing could be less transgressive
The slow turning of the sexual revolution wheel, which is called “progress”, is entirely predictable and entirely benign (and is in fact normative) within the social machine of progressive society.
Far from being transgressive, the linear loosening of sexual morality is akin to planned inflation in fiat-based monetary policy. Conservatives who advocate marriage and sexual continence unwittingly fuel the revolutionary emotion of progressives (though what’s the alternative?)
Progressivism, I remind you, is a sex cult. In phase 1 of the initiation rite, the acolyte assumes an identity as a victim of oppression by convolving her personal life circumstances with boilerplate Marxist rhetoric
Once the initiate has constructed an oppressed identity (woman, fat, gay, trans, asian, etc), she moves to phase 2 of the rite, in which she overthrows her oppressor by performing a “revolutionary” sexual act against the authority she designated as an antagonist in phase 1
If the oppressed identity is racial, then the revolutionary act is miscegenation. @liangweihan4 😱 If the oppressed identity is homosexual, the revolutionary act is sodomy. If the oppressed identity is fat, the revolutionary act is merely sex; the antagonist is male desire itself
If you’re a straight man you have to fall back on much older forms of transgression. Being a cad has much less cultural currency these days but the upside is that every time you pump and dump a woman you are oppressing her, i.e., sanctifying her in the progressive cosmology
Ironically feminism reduces womanhood from a full-fledged modality of being to a mere caricature, and it must do this in order to make legible within the symbolic order of the mystery rite
Fetishization is when a symbol displaces the thing it is meant to represent. The deconstruction of womanhood into a victim identity is precisely the transmutation of femininity into a fetish, a word that literally means “magic token”
In all cases in the progressive mystery rites, the oppression of the initiate’s identity is illusory; her victimhood is worn as a ceremonial robe
The magic trick is so mundane once you understand it:
1. invent a new identity with a tiny reference set.
2. Pretend obscurity = marginalization
3. Conflate being anomalous with being oppressed
The necessity of victimhood to the ritual creates a tremendous market demand for oppression, which is manufactured by the left itself and disseminated through its organs of
propaganda. (Broadcast media and universities)
Scapegoats like Richard Spencer and David Duke are well-known because the left has made them famous because of their instrumentality to the progressive sexual mystery rites. White nationalism is given vastly disproportionate representation in media for the same reason
The incel can never be oppressed in progressive cosmology because sanctified oppression is a prestige awarded to people who have completed the mystery rite. (This is why attempts by MRAs to coopt Marxist language will always be met with derision)
From all this we can see that there is nothing revolutionary about the sexual revolution at all, and that transgressive sex is exactly as radical as a Roman farmer making a sacrifice to Ceres
The way you stop a sex cult that has coopted your horror and disapproval into part of its initiation ritual (you must admit, they play us like a fiddle) is to shine light on its mysteries and deconstruct its sanctities.
Promiscuity is not substantially different from masturbation except it makes two people unhappy instead of one. Above all, it’s BORING. Promiscuity is repetitive and boring. Every woman and every man is the same in the vertiginous moment of coitus
Progressive sexual transgression loses its hold on a person, not when they realize how sinful it is (sin is edgy and enticing), but when they perceive its banality
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