Want to Quit music?

If you’re wondering why quitting music is compulsory upon every muslim, then pls start with this thread.

Spoiler alert : MUSIC IS HARAM https://twitter.com/danjauro_17/status/1094030209630691328?s=21
Note: Everything you on this thread is foremostly a reminder for myself then you the reader. I’m in no position of superiority (even if the tone you read in, suggests that).

May Allah make it easy for us.
1st objective: Willingness/commitment

Music is a very powerful addiction.. it’s part of us everywhere, everyday. That’s a fitnah.

So if you want to quit music then you must be 100% determined between you and Allah, renew your intentions.. because only HE can help you on this.
Don’t put too much pressure on yourself... it’s a generational addiction, let’s take a gradual process.


2) Stop downloading or listening to NEW jam ..(stick to the old ones *for now*😬)

✅(Emphasis on no 1)
3) DELETE SONGS WITH FILTHY LYRICS. Like with F words .. because anytime you listen to such it takes your heart away from Allah.

That’s why we can’t find ourselves crying in salat or Quran.. because such dirty music (language) has our hardened hearts...
4) Invest in your time.. I’ll strongly recommend PODCAST APP.. exactly like every music app but it’s free (for iphone) they’re unlimited beautiful nasihas .. lots of topics we ought to know about Islam... however youtube and some Whatsapp groupchats helped me.
Remember one of the questions Allah will ask you is how you used your youth to serve him.

By listening and worshipping, paying for concerts of the sams musicians who Disobey Allah publicly and proudly???
It’s a shame we Muslims have focused on the wrong priorities today.. we know EVERYTHING ABOUT these musicians but

How many veterans of badr do you know? Uhud? Khandaq?

Allah promised 10 sahabas Jannah during their lifetime? Do you know them? Mention 11 Wives of the prophet?
Children of the prophet? How many prophets can you easily narrate their story??

When The prophet died, Abu Ubaida Al-jarrah and several companions sacrificed blood,tears, sweat and wealth.. they brought islam to guanzhou in China... arnt these the people we should be “famzing”??
Music is one of shaitans nuclear weapons.

How much of the Quran have you memorized? Sahih bukhari? Muslim?

If “Music-minutes” lots of us memorized in our lives was converted to “Quran-minutes”.... lots of us might be leading Tafseer and Tarawih rn.

Shame on us 😔
If a musician drops album today.. we all repost on snapchat.. pay to download, memorize in a week (entire album).. then pay for the concert and dance along.

THIS IS A SAD REALIZATION when you remember we are same ummah the prophet Cried for!!! ALL TIME LOW!
Misplaced priorities as an ummah....

Allah has promised us .. On the day resurrection you will rise with whom you love. Wow

Ask yourself... musicians and the companions of d prophet..who do you love more? Whom have u taken time to know/follow more?
5) Don’t be too hard on yourself.. if you’re trying to quit music. YOU WILL FALL and FALL. It took me about 9 months to completely quit music. It may take you more or less...
But don’t lose focus of your goal.

6) If you have succeeded if all previous steps.. UNISTALL MUSIC APPS😑..

This was the hardest part but when i look back it was worth it. Any step closer to Allah is worth it.
Uninstalling or reading quran or anything doesn’t make music less sweet or addicting but as muslims that’s duniya concept in a nutshell.

Allah wants to test your Faith in Him.

So don’t ever expect it to be easy always.

May Allah make it.
7) Listen to more Nasiha, Recite more Quran, adhkar etc..

8) And subsequently wake up at night and pray to Allah to help you quit all your addictions and problems.

Remember bad deeds overlooked and committed repeatedly are Major sins in Allah’s sight (hadith)
9) Final words to ponder upon; IF YOU DONT STOP LISTENING TO MUSIC TODAY WILLINGLY.. Tomorrow you MUST stop ....

because you’ll be wrapped in a white shroud and be in an out-of-town graveyard beneath mud and gravels.

May We make the best choices.
I’ll love end with these. May Allah bless us with Jannatul firdaus accept this thread and free it from Riyaa.

Assalamu alaikum.
You can follow @Danjauro_.
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