So since @RealCandaceO gave this amazing speech @CPAC & called for us to create more art that expresses our POV & to support artists, I’m going to start #Igotmine #didugetyours

It will feature talented artists that I think have a lot to offer us.
I haven’t liked rap since I was 12, but I always hoped that it would make a resurgence & would build up the hearers.
is my dream come true as a rapper, & she/he is making the rounds for breaking weightlifting records right now. 😆 #Igotmine #didugetyours
⚠️ Warning: Explicit Language. Looks like @RickyRebelRocks is going there. This song could open up a much needed discussion about whether we should allow #ShariaLaw in this country & how that will affect women, the LGBT+ community, Christians, etc.
Loving this new song so much. It goes through so many different parts of the Bible & makes the hearer see how relevant the stories are today. Great job @KathieLGifford & @nicoleCmullen #Igotmine #didugetyours
I didn’t listen to a lot of country music growing up (except for
@ShaniaTwain), but people like @JohnSpe36722573 have definitely helped deepen my appreciation for it. These r the kind of artists we need to lift up, men who love God & their families. #Igotmine #didugetyours
Who knew #MiloYiannopoulos could sing?! 😆😆😆 That guy is full of surprises. He’s a complex character, but I believe this is a very heartfelt rendition of the song. @LaughterAndWar #Igotmine #didugetyours
Finding great acts everyday, people who are stepping up to entertain others while conveying important messages.
One of the most heartfelt, sincere vocalists of our time. She says she is getting back to making more music. We can’t wait to see what is next for @giannajessen.
#Igotmine #didugetyours
Nice. Check this guy out.
I’d like to add someone who is a true lover of God & a patriot.
@cyndi_SuHu has a ❤️ for kids & has created a fun series exploring basic concepts such as shapes, colors, etc. to issues re: safety & character. We need to reach the next generation as well.
When I first heard this song from @flintbedrock, it brought me to tears but lifted me up at the same time. I was going through some heavy problems at the time, but this was just the encouragement I needed. #Igotmine #didugetyours
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