Value investors love $GOOG: 1) screens reasonable w/ growth; 2) moat of search w/ munger/Russo blessing 3) SOTP w/ Waymo & GCP upside
Risk: can't commercialize any new product ( @arstechnica article on Waymo, comparing $GOOG to Xerox); so stagnant moat
Detailed story from @NewYorker on $GOOG and its engineers' coding abilities to make everything faster 
Also, a handy guide in understanding their engineer hierarchy.
Disgruntled $GOOG employees, due to mismatch of mission/culture & corp routines
1. Corp Mission to make info accessible; but no transparency internally
2. "Don't be evil" was rallying cry to a) attract talent; b) market firm
What's the new North star now?
Nice thread on $GOOG M&A 'slugging' %

Other point is these deals prevented 1) key tech / assets from falling into competitors' hands; 2) new entrants
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