I'm going to add to this when I get the chance....

Venus in Sagittarius: Love is adventure. Love is a trip around the world & passport stamps. Love is deep philosophical conversation until the wee hours of the morning. Love is mutual learning & growth. Love is freedom.
Love is friendship. Love is motivation. Love is life affirming and enthusiastic. Love is laughter. Love is a confidant on the quest for life’s meaning.
For whatever reasons, the Archer seems to have gained a reputation among the zodiac as the perpetual bachelor or bachelorette. The sign which prefers to stay free and unencumbered versus preferring a steady, long-term relationship or marriage.
I make the case, however, that there’s much more to this scenario than the ink written on the pages of these sun sign columns can tell us. We must adjust our thinking to a broader level to appreciate not a fragment of, but the entire Sagittarian archetype.
In much of the Astrological literature I come across, when Sagittarius is being analyzed, there seems to be a direct correlation made between the Centaur’s desire and need for freedom and the inability to commit to a long-term partnership.
If we examine Sagittarius on a deeper level, I think we’ll find that the lesser question is : “Why can’t Sagittarians commit?” and the greater question is: “What type of relationship encourages the Archer to explore long range possibilities?”
Most of us learned in “Research Methods 101”: the manner in which a question is asked predetermines the range of possible answers. If the question is: “Why can’t Sagittarians commit?” It automatically excludes the possibility of them being capable of committing to a partnership.
When analyzing Sagittarius, we must first consider the symbolism. Half Woman/Man and half beast. A Centaur or an Archer pointing its arrow emphatically upward into the vastness of the universe.
This entire picture broadcasts both the need for the arrow of thoughts and ideas to fly free through the open cosmos and the body to remain comfortably rooted in its animal nature.
Sagittarius isn’t as much seeking to transcend his or her physicality as they are intent on successfully integrating it into the totality of their being.
For those with Venus in Sagittarius, where partnerships are concerned, it’s not so much a matter of whether or not they have the ability to commit, but rather WHAT they would potentially be committing TO.
One of the keys to relationship success for those with the Centaur's Venus placement is ruthless self-honesty regarding their own relationship needs. Especially when it comes to personal space.
this “space” is not a free pass to go off half cocked and undermine the fundamental trust and integrity on which a solid, healthy relationship is based, but rather the freedom to think big thoughts.
to dream about large scale ventures and contemplate life’s enormous questions. After all, this is the way of the Philosophical wiring which comes with the assembly of so many Sags.
If one with Venus in Sagittarius finds the type of partner that understands this system and recognizes the importance of his/her life journey, they’re MORE than willing to commit.
I quote from Astrologer Jeffrey Wolf Green : " The Venus in Sagittarius person is fundamentally restless, and is committed to the value of personal freedom to pursue any experience they deem necessary in order to discover and actualize themselves. "
"The need for freedom permeates these people , and they generally will not tolerate any condition or constraint that inhibits their independence or freedom."
When such conditions or constraints exist, the Venus in Sagittarius person will progressively feel an inner alienation from those conditions or constraints, & the psychology or alienation becomes a causal factor or determinant in separating from those conditions or constraints.”
One of the dysfunctional expressions of Venus in Sagittarius energy is to listen and hear only through the filter of their own beliefs. When operating unproductively, there’s a tendency to to create a black and white scenario surrounding relationships.
So, those w/ this placement may construct an irreconcilable scenario where they’re either free as a bird floating in the crisp summer air or hopelessly bound to the "ole ball and chain." it's important that they broaden their vision on this.
The Centaur can easily sabotage the ideal partnership he/she is seeking to create through a refusal to, as Paulo Coelho says: “to accept love as a stimulus.”
When immature and underdeveloped, the Venus in Sagittarius individual sees love as a THREAT to his/her freedom; as something that’s going to deduct from them rather than add breadth and richness to their spectrum of life.
Whereas the more mature version of the Archer, who has learned much from experience, employs his/her openness as a means to grasp the supports that are being offered to them by a sincere and willing "travel" partner both literally and metaphorically.
i quote from coehelo : " He does not understand that love is an additional impulse, not something which hinders one from going forward. he does not understand that those who truly wish him well are longing for his happiness and are ready to accompany him on his adventure.”
For Venus in Sagittarius, here’s the bottom line: You’re natural, healthy idealism & free spirit need not take a “hit” just because you’ve made the mature choice to temper it with a much needed dose of grounding and common sense.
Again, as one with Venus in Sagittarius, You must be painfully honest with yourself in regard to your vision for a partnership, as to not mislead others who may not want or need such and arrangement.
What you choose to commit to is totally "yours", but it’s important for you to know the “raw material” you’re working with in your psyche as not to assume that everyone is oriented in that shape, form or fashion. however, SOME people *ARE & you need to find THEM.
When it’s all said and done, it’s up to you to create a situation which honors your need(s) for independence, intellectual stimulation, levity and personal growth. While simultaneously accepting love as a stimulus and support.
Recognizing a good thing when you see it and creating room for your partnership to play an integral role on your quest to follow your personal legend.
for Venus in Sagittarius, the 'freedom' that you seek in relationships is only so good as to encompass the thoughts and activities which truly enhance your life as opposed to those that detract from it, contributing to your arrow losing it's aim.
if you're sincerely on a quest for truth, you will shine that on yourself in relation to what you need. you also won't pull any punches when relaying this to someone else and let the chips fall where they may.
if this process is successfully navigated, you will find yourself operating from a position of strength. you will be poised to meet life with a sound philosophy, an authentic vision and a genuine target that's worth aiming for.
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