was my appointment day. I always get a little nervous each time. Why? NO GOOD REASON. So much is out of your control when you are a #PainPatient.

My appointment could not have gone worse. I was fired from my pain clinic. Apparently I failed my drug test. The thing is:
I didn't take anything but the appropriate meds, so I'm left feeling completely gobsmacked, abandoned, & thoroughly #stigmatized.

I'm joining the ranks of many #PeopleInPain today. All trust I had remaining for the medical profession is completely shattered. Next stop? (cont)

I do NOT look forward to it.

Ahh well, I'm not sure I'm surprised. At all. In fact, I'm left with a profound sense of relief mixed with a good amount of anxiety & despair.

I don't think I want to see another doctor...ever again. 🤣🤣🤣
Here's a NEWSFLASH for all the skeptical medical professionals out there on #medtwitter:

I didn't take heroin. Sorry to disappoint you. The only result of taking my meds away will be that I have tremendous physical pain.

Looks like it's about to get real! *wry laughter*
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