For Venus in Pisces: love is boundless. Love is romantic. Love is imagination. Love is fantasy. Love is returning to the spiritual source. Love is not easily or clearly defined. Love is universal. Love is unconditional. Love is suffering. Love is sacrifice. Love is transcendence.
If you have this placement in your birth chart, the ways in which your societal existence has shaped your definition of what it means to love and be loved bears serious consideration. The question becomes:

“Who told me how I was supposed to feel when I was “in love”?
Venus in Pisces at its best suggests that love can be extended in a uniquely intimate way whose ingredients are unconditional acceptance, empathetic connection and captivating union.
At it’s worst, self-deception via creating one’s version of reality despite concrete information (evidence) to the contrary and deletion of important details from one’s experience to avoid pain or discomfort can reign front and center.
This placement suggests that one can be fixated on ideals, and this lens contains its admixture of beauty and challenges. Where Venus in Pisces is concerned, the Victim/Savior game can firmly plant its flag for as long as the hypnotic state of
“love over everything” remains etched in one’s psyche.
An inclination to respond to the suffering of others w/o discrimination can lead to one’s own demise as one can only see the potential in another, rather than the infectious energy that’s contained in their state of peril.
So while one thinks they’re “saving” someone else, they become so enveloped by the situation that their heart, and sometimes pocketbook is in dire straits when the smoke clears.
There’s a need to merge with a partner to feel a sense of ever-growing closeness. However, differences between individuals don’t have to be viewed as potential threats which will erode the cohesiveness of a relationship.
One of the key facets of the developmental potential of Venus in Pisces is gaining the ability to see oneself and ones partners (intimate or business) clearly.
Issues surface when there’s an insistence on thinking that always seeing someone at their best is a higher form of love than acceptance of human frailty and imperfection.
In addition, One of the challenges of the Venus in Pisces individual can not only be to assuage the disappointment when a loved one reveals themselves as a mere mortal, but to also confront a lack of compassion toward oneself .
This is because of the sheer intensity of effort that one has displayed in trying to live up to an unrealistic ideal of being the "perfect" partner, or “on” under all circumstances.
We now return to the question: “Who told me how I was supposed to feel when I was “in love”?

With Venus in Pisces, one can be particularly sensitive and impressionable toward subliminal messages of what love is supposed to be about. Music, movies, advertisements
and a host of other outlets can have significant influence.
In its constructive sense, this provides a host of imaginative and creative outlets to build upon an ever expanding mosaic of human feeling.
In it’s maladaptive state, these messages are swallowed up with no filter whatsoever and the conclusion is reached that if you don’t have butterflies in your stomach, can’t eat & sleep w/o another person & aren’t thinking about them 24/ 7 it must not be "love".
Concerning the concept and feeling of interconnectedness that’s suggested by Venus in Pisces, there can be the misconception that everyone shares the same ideals where love and relationships are concerned.
One of the larger lessons here is: establishing reasonable boundaries between partners in no way takes away from the “magic” of a r'ship. When it comes to the significant dimensions of r'ships, solid definitions can actually ENHANCE the dynamic that you’re seeking to keep alive.
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