I told someone this this morning, and it might help you.

Willpower is not enough.
A refined method is not enough.

It's not that you haven't tried hard enough. You've tried so very hard, and you're tired. So tired.
You've done the steps over, and over, and over. You followed the method just like you were supposed to. Yet, and still, here you are.

Yet, and still, here you are.
Wisdom is not knowledge alone. Knowledge is an aggregation of information. WISDOM is the right application of that knowledge at the right TIME.
Galatians 6:9 King says; "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."

Due season... There is a time and a season for ALL things. Your willpower cannot bring forth a season. Neither can your method.
Don't fault yourself for not getting there. The right action at the right time is a tree bringing forth fruit in the season of harvest.
Don't get tired and begin to judge yourself harshly. Don't think that you are wrong because your efforts have not yet produced their intended result. Refine your intentions while you wait for your "due season" It's coming.
Refining your intentions prepares you for your "due season". Intention rooted in conviction is fail proof. You are never wrong when your intentions are rooted in intention. That is your #IntentionalWhy. That is the fire within that compels you to act.
What it looks like on the outside, the method and the action and the outcome, it may change. It will change. But it should change not because of the external evidence of failure. It should change because you seek to make the outside more like the inside...
Jesus said, "If you bring forth what is within you, what you have will save you. If you do not have that within you, what you do not have within you [will] kill you."
What is within you??? I'm not talking about something you think you should do because you're talented or because it will bring you fulfillment. Don't think so much of yourself.
I mean what is the conviction that comes from your life and your story, that will eat you up from the inside if you don't let it out?
You are not a machine; you have no intended function. Don't think of your purpose as a thing you should do. Your purpose is who you are becoming. The evidence of that is the conviction inside of you. What are you convinced of? What is inside of you that you MUST become?
That is what comes in "due season". Not that thing. It's YOU.
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