So it appears there are people on twitter who think biology is a white colonial notion imposed upon the rest of the world to make us believe in the "European" notion of male and female. We were all stupid and ignorant before whitey came along. A thread.
This is Chimalma. Goddess and mother. Note the boobs. We knew women had female anatomy before Europeans came and told us. Surprised? Thereā€™s more.
Ix Chel. Goddess of midwifery and medicine. She was associated with a fertitlity. We knew where babies came from! Amazing! Ix Chel had her own island. When the Spanish arrived they called it Isla Mujeres (Isle of Women) because of all the female statues.
This is pre colombian Mexican figurine. If you look closely you will see a penis. We knew what penises were! We knew what they were for! We didnā€™t make the mistake of putting them on sculptures of Chimalma, Ix Chel or Chalchiuhtlicue!
This is Chalchiuhtlicue, goddess of fertility and female power among other things. We associated fertility with females. This might be hard for some to believe, but this happened before the conquest. We managed to reproduce without being told how.
TEMIXIHUITIANI is a hard word to pronounce. "Partera" in Spanish is easier. It means midwife. People knew about babies and birth before the arrival of European boats. Unbelievable. How could we possibly understand before we were exposed to white ideas? Itā€™s a mystery.
This is a Cihuateteto, the malevolent spirit of a woman who died in childbirth. They are from Cihuatlampa, otherwise known as the place of women. Childbirth was considered a battle because it was really hard.
All Cihuateteto were female because we knew thatā€¦ drumrollā€¦ men didnā€™t die in childbirth.
I could do this all day. But it might be easier just to call out TRAs on their patronising racism. If you believe that biology is a social construct, build your argument. Stop using other cultures to prop up your adolescent, self-absorbed ideology.
I canā€™t think of anything more white and colonial than imposing ideologies on others. We got Catholicism and that was enough, thanks. Trying to make non-European cultures appear ignorant about the fundamental truths of life on the planet is simple white supremacy.
We have our own third gender. Muxes are accepted and treated as what they are. Muxes. Not actual females to be recognized as such in law. To be a Muxe you have to be male. We have managed to accept that, all without European help.
You use black women as a subsection to compare with biological males. You manipulate the traditions of other cultures to justify self-id. You question the biology you yourself are reliant on for life and then point at us as though weā€™re here to back you up.
Get an argument. Build an objective point of view that doesnā€™t have to prop itself up on the lives and cultures of others. And if you canā€™t, accept that what you hold is an ideology. Your belief is your own. It is not ours. We have been colonized enough.
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