Funny thing about chakras and the spin, men supposedly have the root, solar, throat, and crown chakras that spin clockwise. The sacral, heart, and third eye spin counterclockwise. It's the opposite with women. This is to simulate balance
Clockwise is yang, which is filling. Counterclockwise is yin, which is draining. So in all technicality, a man's root chakra would "fill" a woman's. And a woman's sacral chakra would fill a man's. The clockwise motion supposedly releases energy. Counterclockwise drains/takes
Let's look at this symbolically for a sec. If a man has a counterclockwise spin at the sacral chakra, this would indicate the chakra takes in from its surroundings/other ppl. The sacral has a lot to do with creativity, sensuality, and base emotion & desire
This would indicate creativity/desire is sought externally for a man. It is received. A man looks for a muse in a lotta cases. For a woman, who's sacral spins clockwise, her creativity/desire is easily expressed and given. It is projected instead of received. It comes from within
Whereas a man with a clockwise spinning solar chakra, his vitality/willpower is projected. It flares out. His willpower comes from within. A woman with a counterclockwise spin receives vitality/willpower externally. Her willpower comes from the outside
And then you can take into account overactive/underactive chakras. Let's say a man has an underactive solar chakra. His projection of his WILL is weak. He will probably come off as insecure and/or submissive
If a woman has an underactive solar chakra, that would mean she doesn't take in that energy very well. She is less receptive to it. It is not easy for her to find the inspiration to claim her personal power
If a man has an underactive sacral chakra, he is less receptive to receiving creative inspiration. He is less receptive to basic emotion/desire. He doesnt take in sacral energy well. In many cases, any chakra that spins counterclockwise & is underactive can easily be parasitical
If a woman has an underactive sacral chakra, the projection of her basic emotions/desires is weak. Her creativity is lacking. She is probably withdrawn/insecure in this area
Catch the drift y'all? Haha
My b on the typo on the 4th tweet. It's whose not who's lmao
As a general rule of thumb, if a chakra spins clockwise and it is overactive, it'll be too domineering. It'll project too much outward. If it is underactive, it'll project very little. It will lack energy from within. Another chakra may try to compensate by going overactive
Similarly, in the case of an underactive clockwise rotating chakra, another chakra may go overactive to compensate as well. In either case, it'll be a chakra of the opposite rotation
As a general rule of thumb, if a chakra rotates counterclockwise and is underactive, it would indicate trouble taking in the energy it needs. And usually a chakra of the opposite rotation will therefore try to compensate by going overactive
In the case of an overactive counterclockwise rotating chakra, it'll be taking in too much energy from outside of yourself. And of course keep in mind either chakra going overactive or underactive could be caused by a different one. All chakras are interconnected afterall
I also personally believe that chakras may spin in the direction they're not supposed to. And that will cause its own series of problems. It can happen for a whole variety of reasons. But of course take all this (whole thread too) with a grain of salt
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