If members of an operational planning team were Arrested Development characters, a thread:
The OPT Lead, on day one, when he sees who showed up
The JAG planner...when they decide to show up.
The one Chemical CPT from the protection fell that gets forced to fill in
The intel/red team cell when they hear its time to wargame
The sustainers, when they see the maneuver concept they’re expected to support (which is any maneuver concept, really).
The O6 that shows up and thinks he’s still an action officer
The warrant from the aviation cell that got tagged to fill in
Of course the plan will require operational contracting support
...and the SOF LNO...
And another Strategist will always show up
The one guy who won’t stop telling war stories and derailing the MDMP
By 1030 the morning of the first day
When the LNO from higher HQ pops in and hears what’s going on
The OPT lead after day one
When the G6 planner sees all the sites he’s going to have to set up comms support for
The TRANSCOM rep telling you your plan is “transportation feasible”
When the brand new SAMS grad from the G35 gets invited
There’s always the one guy who has been an OPT lead in the past
And of course, the guy who consistently has to be corrected on his interpretation of doctrine.
And there’s always the one who found out on Friday at 1700 that they had to be in the OPT on Monday at 0800.
You can follow @slfoster22.
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