(1 of 11) THREAD SERIES: #EmergencyPrep1

With things popping off here & all over the world as well as what we know from scripture, common sense dictates that we prepare for emergencies, especially those of us with little ones & elderly. So today’s thread is about FOOD storage.
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Joseph, who got divine revelation about Egypt’s great famine prepared the country beforehand. And Noah got busy when warned of the coming flood. Now we, living in these dangerous times can look at the signs too and pretty much conclude that rough days lie ahead.
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Proverbs 22:3 -- A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.

So with these points in mind, let's talk about food.
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Now I’ll break down each category:

1. Wet Canned --Acidic foods like tomatoes don’t last as long since the acid eats into the can. But they’re okay for short term storage. Regular canned foods last anywhere from 1 to 4yrs. If kept cool & dark, 3 to 6yrs.
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2a. Freeze-dried #10 cans—These awesome cans last from 10 to 30 yrs. Get a variety so you’re not stuck w/1 if you don’t like it. Extra water is needed if you go w/these. Here are a few links:


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3. Glass/Plastic — Condiments, tomato and spaghetti sauce, honey, beer, wine, and some soups.
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4. Paper carton — short shelf life, but still a good option, especially for shelf-stable milk.
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5a. Dry bags and boxes — Stocking up on dry goods is smart because you can buy these in bulk. Cereal, rice, spices, lentils, beans, etc...

Remember Revelation 6:6.
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5b. Optimize the storage life of your rice, beans & other dry goods by placing them in Mylar bags w/oxygen absorbers. They extend the shelf life by years. Here’s an info link about them, but you can buy them on Amazon & Walmart. https://www.backdoorsurvival.com/using-mylar-bags-for-food-storage/
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Finally, I'll do separate threads this week on toiletries, First Aid/Medical, and general supplies. Here's a list of suggested foods to stock up on. http://www.happypreppers.com/37-food-storage.html
You can follow @LeahYehudah_.
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