Reading for ~5 hours a day for 2 years completely rewires your brain.

If you did it as a child,

you’re already smart & may believe it’s innate talent instead of stored effort.

If you didn’t, you won’t be able to try the experiment as an adult unless you suddenly get “rich”.
NB1: The range of books obviously has to be large —

Fiction gets you to love reading.

Non-fiction gets you to refine the framework of your thought process:

philosophy, linguistics, economics, biology, history, science, meditation, psychology, biographies...
NB2: Been through this journey myself. Wanted to share.

That’s the main reason I started a “private” newsletter as it involves personal details.

Not sure when I will find the time to write the pieces at my standards but if interested, you can join here:
I will also probably get off Twitter once I’m done.

I’ve been writing quite regularly for almost one year now as part of a journey to learn more about myself,

and ultimately, as things get clearer, it seems like my priorities may lie somewhere else.
You can follow @orangebook_.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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