Thread of Stefan disrespecting/ not caring about Caroline (cause I'm tired of people seeing him as a white knight)
I often hear people say Caroline shouldn't have been mad at Stefan not calling her back because he was grieving his brother yet...

Caroline: "How's Stefan?"
Alaric: "He's ok"
Caroline: "How often do you talk to him?"
Alaric: "Idk a couple times a week"
C:''You couldn't hear in all those messages that I was completely falling apart without you??''
C: "You never listened to them"

So, Stefan was well enough to be in a committed relationship, talking to Alaric and Elena several times a week, but not Caroline? hmmm k
Anyways, Enzo was a mood this entire episode
And even after that, Caroline was ready to forgive him and move past it, but...

C: "Even if just a little part of you came back to check on me, then... stay"
Stefan finally decides to come back after breaking Caroline's heart. But, is it stay? To apologize to her? Nope.

C: "Were you seriously about to dump your vampire ex-gf onto my lap and then just skip town????"
Damon is back, and Stefan is trying to make up it to him, but has no interest in doing the same for Caroline.

C: "So... Am I your last stop at the Stefan Salvatore's apology tour?"
S: "Can we just get past this pls?"

No apology. He just wants her to "get over it"
It doesn't end there..

C: "I'm trying to"
S:"Caroline what do you want me to do?"

(She literally told you to apologize you dimwit)
S: "Stop making me guess and tell me, so that we can be back to being friends again"

Translation: I don't actually feel guilty, I'll just say whatever so that you're not mad at me anymore.
Cause let's remind ourselves that Stefan couldn't give two shits about Caroline before, but now that his brother's alive, he wants to make peace with her.
The thing is that Caroline already tried to reconcile her friendship with Stefan TWICE already. Now, it's too late. Stefan hurted Caroline too much, and she doesn't want to be friends with him only when Damon's ok
Stefan tries to get back in Caroline's good graces when her mom is in danger, but Enzo calls him out

Enzo to Stefan:"Hang on. What did Caroline had to do for you to treat her with a modicum of respect is to stop paying attention to you?"

And that's where the writers fucked up.
Enzo: "She hates you because she doesn't hate you at all."

WTF?? So, Caroline is not actually mad at Stefan? Or she's mad bc she has feelings for him? Cause God bare someone be mad at saint Stefan for the shitty things he does
S: "Please just make me understand how it is that I missed it?"
C:"What kind of a stupid question is that? Why did I have a thing for you? Idk Stefan maybe it's bc I thought you were worth having a thing for."
And after 7 episodes Stefan FINALLY apologizes to Caroline.
S: "Sorry"
S:"I am incredibly sorry for the way that I treated you"
C:"Yeah, well I know how you felt Stefan. Bc even if just a tiny piece of you felt for me when I was starting to feel for you, you wouldn't have walked away"

S: "But, you still hate me?"
C:"Yes. Yeah, I hate you cause if I don't hate you for ruining our frienship, then I have to hate myself for ruining it, and I think I deserve better than that. "

ANYWAYS now it's friendsgiving, but since Caroline doesn't want to be friends with Stefan anymore/feels awkward around him now that he knows she had the hots for him, she didn't invite him.

However, self-centered Stefan is getting petty bc Caroline invited Jo and not him
S: "I pushed you away the most bc I knew you were the one person who would sit with me and let me cry and I didn't want to cry anymore"

Literally wtf??? He couldn't even send her a text bc ''he didn't feel like crying anymore''????? I...
Stefan is delusional and tells Damon he didn't ruin his friendship with Caroline, but he gets a reality check when Caroline tells him

"if you think hanging a few strands of light is going to make me forget what a crappy friend you've been, then you thought wrong"
Delusional Stefan thinks he's making efforts to be friends with Caroline, but she points out that hanging christmas isn't exactly taking much effort
Flashback of Stefan's cheap ass giving Caroline that ugly 1.50$ snowglobe even though he's a millionaire
Stefan goes to Damon to ask him for advice about how to handle his relationship with Caroline.

D:"Well, she's not the one. If she was, you wouldn't have to ask. Caroline wants the real deal, and if you don't, pull the ripchord before you make things worse."

Did he do it? No.
Caroline turned it off

E:"She's covering her tracks, It's really good"
S:"No, it's not good. It means she's gonna use him as a human blood bag every time she gets hungry."

So like what Damon was doing to Caroline? And Stefan didn't do shit until he threatened to go after Elena?
Stefan is so fucking self-centered that he thinks Caroline turning it off is about him, so he feels the need to play hero even though Caroline promised not to hurt anyone while having her emotions off and that she would turn it back on in a year.
S:"Why are you defending her?"
E:"I'm just saying she doesn't actually hurt anyone. What if she actually has this under control? I know we give her a year, she's happy"
S:"And then what?She magically switch on her humanity switch?...
...Caroline is going to snap and when she does it's going to be MY fault because I am the reason that she did this"
Elena calls him out for being so self-absorbed
E:"pain is the reason why she did this"
Stefan wants to free his guilt so bad that he doesn't even take the time to think about what would be best for Caroline or what the consequences of him forcing her to flip the switch might be
Caroline didn't like Stefan forcing her to turn it back on, and forced him to flip the switch as well. Now, No!humanity Stefan forces her to kill people so that she will feel guilty when she turns her switch back (which wouldn't have happened if had just trusted her abilities)
Caroline turns her switch back on, and NOW Stefan thinks it's the right time to leave her alone cause he thinks she doesn't want to see him

J:"Maybe you should let Caroline decides what she needs"

THANKS JO too bad you weren't there when S was trying to make her flip the switch
Caroline takes a few days off after switching it back on, and as soon as she's back Stefan is talking to her about them potentially be bruh can you let her breathe a bit. She LITERALLY just got back
Caroline feels guilty for turning it off and forcing Stefan to do the same (eventhough the latter was his fault). Stefan thinks being with someone means losing control.

Did he already forget Caroline was doing just fine before he tried to control her life or....?
Elena is in under her sleeping beauty spell, and Caroline wants to make sure Stefan is ok because they were "soulmates" and all that. Stefan says that he doesn't really believe that they were, but rather she helped bring him and his brother together. AND THEN HE SAYS THIS
S:"But, I think in the end, I needed him (Damon), more than I needed her (Elena)."

So, Caroline lists all the things she did since falling for Stefan

1. Started obsessing over where Stefan was, and why he wasn't returning her calls
2. told Stefan she hated him when she felt ignored
3. missed her mom's final moments cause she was busing smooching Stefan
4. turned it off cause Stefan didn't return her feelings
5. made Stefan turn it off as well

And Stefan is like "I forgive you". As if he wasn't responsible for 80% of these things??
Final moment of the season. Caroline made this list of how being in love with Stefan has made her life miserable, and Stefan decides to make her a list of how ''loving her '' has made HIS happy????? LITERALLY WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
Like hello? She literally made this list for Stefan to know how much she hates what she has become since falling for him, but he literally ignores it and is like ''well, having you in MY life makes me happy, so let's talk about that instead'' I'M JUST
Stefan is one the most self-centered piece of shit on tvd, and that's that on that
End of season 6. I'll do season 7 and 8 another time
Season 7 starts off with Stefan telling Caroline that he loves her and that he will wait for her, just to send her on a crazy suicide mission where she has to put a bomb in those heretics' house and leave before she dies
And since it didn't work, the heretics attacked Matt's collegues and murdered a bunch of other people. Caroline is freaking out about it, but Stefan is more concerned about the scratch on his neck

C:"All those people DEAD. They didn't have a chance to... "
I know this wasn't really SC related, but it really shows what a fucking tool Stefan is
Stefan and Caroline evacuate the town so that they won't die at the hand of the heretics. Damon is impressed by Stefan willing to save all the people he doesn't give a crap about just for Caroline, but
S: "I'm not doing this for Caroline, Damon. I'm doing this for you"
Flash-forward of Caroline saying she doesn't want to hear the name "Stefan Salvatore" ever again. Wished she would've kept this mood more than two seconds
C:" I remember the exact moment when I first saw you. Do you remember the first time you ever saw me?"
C:"I'm sorry that was totally unfair, just please forget I asked. I mean you were even just sitting next to Elena, so of course you only had eyes for her"

Caroline is pregnant
Matt: "How did Stefan take it"
C:"Totally supportive and just want to make sure that I was least that's how I'm hopping it goes''


*Caroline tells Stefan*
C:"You can say something.."
S:"I have to go"
Damon and Stefan talk about Caroline being pregnant

D:"What's it going to be? "uncle Stefan"? "Creepy dude who hangs out with mom"?
S:"See, the thing is that she's not their mom"

Stefan needs to STFU asap
D:"Oh come on, it's Caroline. You think she's gonna turn those kids over to a functionning alcoholic with no supervision?"

S:"*shrugs* "Whatever she wants to do"

Stefan's distinterested attitude when it comes to Caroline seriously gives me a migraine
And the fact that even Damon knows Caroline better than Stefan is embarrassing as fuck
Stefan and Caroline are on a date

C:"So, what are you feeling like?" :)
S:"I don't care, whatever you want"
C:"Well, I'm drinking water"

Caroline is dying because of the babies

S:"I knew she was sick, but I left anyway"

Caroline is in the hospital and pratically dying because of these babies, so Stefan decides to get in her head and pretend they're on a date...eating fries.

Stefan, the so ever romantic
I'm just laughing at Stefan telling Caroline he will not let anything happen to her when like 10 minutes before, he left her to save Damon and she almost died. Bro, your words have no value
Stefan: "I'm not gonna leave her!"
*10 seconds later*
Stefan: *leaves Caroline*

Klaus and Stefan meet in Nola

S:"Caroline pratically died in childbirth and she's not actually their mother, it just sorta happened *shrugs*"

me and Klaus:
Klaus:"So, she carried to lives in her womb, she gave birth ti them and now she plans to turn those cooing little faces over to Alaric without so much as a hiccup of hesitation yeah! You are probably right, that does sound like the Caroline I remember"
Unlike Stefan, Klaus wasn't even there to see Caroline reacting to her pregnancy, but he knew she wouldn't give them away. Hell! even Damon knew she wouldn't give them up. It just shows how clueless Stefan really is when it comes to her and that he doesn't know her at all
Klaus was such a mood during the entire episode

Stefan:*says anything about Caroline *
Klaus:"Caroline is the reason the tip of Rayna's blade ended up in your flesh, isn't she? You were protecting her."
Stefan:"No, I was protecting Damon"
K:"You need to let her go Stefan. Let her go or spend an eternity sacrificing everything good you have with her for your brother."

Did Stefan listened to what Klaus had to say???? You bet the FUCK NOT. His selfish ass still stayed with Caroline, and in the end, Klaus was right
K:"Are you going to do the right thing?"
S:"I promise I will only do right by her"

Stefan wants Caroline to go on the run with him, putting her life in danger and abandonning her kids, and for what??? Because he "wants to see her "
Stefan says to Damon that he can't be with Caroline because the scar Rayna gave him will put her and the kids in danger, yet 2 minutes before, he wanted Caroline to leave with him??? His dumbass can't even follow his own logic
Stefan sees Caroline happy with her babies, so he leaves.... without saying goodbye....without having at least the decency to tell Caroline they're breaking up.... he literally JUST LEAVES LIKE TWO DAYS AFTER TELLING KLAUS HE WOULD DO RIGHT BY HER
Everyone thinks Stefan came back to protect Caroline from Rayna, but Rayna discovers the truth

R:"you've wanted not Valerie, not even Caroline. You wanted Damon."
S:"Look I made a choice back then, and I think she deserves to know what and why"
Riv:"That's really nice of you Stefan you know because I think that she deserved to know the what and why BEFORE you stopped calling and broke her heart"

Caroline was marked by Bonnie, but she doesn't want to run away like Stefan wants her to do

C:"All I want is for you to respect my choice to not run away"
But, Stefan being Stefan can't bear Caroline making her own decisions, so he vervains and kidnaps her
Caroline wakes up and is not having any of Stefan's BS about taking away her free will bc he thinks he knows better than her
C:"Maybe one day you'll wake up ans realize that I deserve the same respect that she (Elena) did. But, I stopped waiting for that day a long time ago"
C:"You hurt me more than anyone else has ever hurt me. I loved you and you left me"
I mean...
S:"Do you love him (Alaric)?"
C:"Idk...Can you love someone and leave them behind right when you need each other the most?" (refering to Stefan leaving her)

Proof that Stefan never loved Caroline
Stefan leaves her for three years and then kidnaps her against her will, and it to took what? Barely even a day for Caroline to forgive Stefan and get back with him????
I really hate that everytime Stefan screws up, the writers make Caroline need him so that everything is magically forgiven and that he doesn't have to do any real effort to earn her forgiveness back.
When he ignored her all summer, and treated her like garbage, Caroline forgot about what he did when she learned her mother had cancer. Stefan left her for three years, but now that she's being chased down, she needs Stefan to keep her safe, so everything is right again. UGHHH
Season 8 let's go!
I always laugh at this part, even though Stefan is a dick

S:"I made a mistake. I came here to convince you to marry me"
C: :O
C:"I'm fully aware that Damon means more to you than I do"
S:"Then why are you here"
C:"Because I love you. And if Damon is the answer to getting your humanity back, and not me then fine I will do whatever it takes"

Matt:"I just wonder if he's ever gonna feel bad for trying to make me destroy our whole town and kill God knows how many people."
M:"Ik Stefan's not himself..the sirens, the devil, the mind control, but it's still him that did all those things it's hard to keep giving him a pass"
I love what Matt says bc even without his humanity, Stefan has free will and he's the one making these decisions. When Caroline had her switch off, she still stayed true to herself up to a point and didn't kill anyone. Even Klaus with his humanity off married Caroline, ...
..., so he must have still valued her. So, when people say to give Stefan a pass for all the shitty things he did to Caroline when he had his switch off (wanting her to kill people, so she would feel guilt, ruining miss mystic falls, etc...), I have a hard time forgiving him
I think deep down, Stefan always resented Caroline for having such a flawless control over her vampirism, whereas he couldn't and it's why he wanted her to lose control while he had his switch off.
Stefan wanted to live the rest of his life with Caroline, but not as a human
S:"It's just when I think about what our lives are supposed to look like now, I just can't see it. I0 years from now, 20, 50.. we're gonna be living entirely different lives and we can't just ignore that
But, he had no concern about all of this when Elena was human and he was a vampire tho. Interesting... *sips tea*
Cade:"Let go. It will be so much easier"
S:"I can't. I have too much to make up for"
C:"I meant it will be easier on Caroline. Have you even considered what your attempts at redemption will mean for HER life?"
(of course not 🙄)
Cade:"50 years of following you around, of helping you grasp for a goal that you will never reach as you become old,.. a burden. You're destined for hell. Why should she be?"

When the devil himself basically calls you a selfish piece of shit, you know you fucked up
Cade:"If you truly love Caroline, you will release her from this suffering and give her back the life she was meant to have, an immortal life without you"

Caroline has always dreamed about getting married since she was little, and Stefan is sabotaging everything by letting her walk the aisle to his and his ex's song, while surrounded by compelled guests, and while wearing his ex's necklace
So, Stefan promises to grow old with Caroline and help her raise her kids when just before he was saying he couldn't see a future with her, wow ok
LMAO AND NOW GUESS WHAT. He committed suicide while AGAIN not telling Caroline about what he was planning to do A FEW HOURS AFTER PROMISING HER HE WOULD SPEND THE REST OF HIS DAY WITH HER.
He literally did not care how his death would affect her, I made this decision alone even though they had MULTIPLE talks about them needing to be a team and make decisions together, but nope.
My heart broke when Caroline said "family first" cause she knows Damon will always come before her even though Stefan literally told her "you're my family now" while proposing to her. WELL I GUESS NOT
When you think about it, Stefan could've broken things off with Caroline ANY FUCKING TIME. From the moment Damon told him she was not the one and to cut the ripchord before he causes too much damage, to Klaus telling him to let her go before he sacrifices everything good he had..
...with her for Damon, to Cade telling him that him disappearing from her life would be easier on her. They were ALL right and Stefan decided to ignore all of them because he is selfish and can't see past his own bellybutton
In conlusion, Stefan is an asshole and Caroline deserved better. Thx for coming to my TED talk
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