Numbers wise it would be generous to say that Neturei Karta represent less than 0.3% of Jews. Their outlook is pure eschatological fundamentalism and they are extremists who have lent support to Islamists and Holocaust deniers. /1
They do however look very Jewish, especially if you only know about Jews from antisemitic propaganda. So they are marvellous Token Jews for anyone wishing to deflect claims of antisemitism. /2
This would be a bit like if Tommy Robinson found an imam that was prepared to smile in photos with him and thereby be protected from claims of anti-Muslim bigotry./3
Jewish opinion spans a massive range but let's stop pretending that outlying views are representative. /4
Given the recent shout out to Neturei Karta let me add that they are religious fundamentalists whose opposition to Israel is based on opposition to a secular state. They are waiting for the Messiah to come and give them a religious state based on Scriptural borders. /5
These ones. /6
There is absolutely nothing progressive about them. /7
Case in point, imagine posting this and thinking it lets Farrakhan off the hook for antisemitism, rather than understanding what it means about the ideology of Neturei Karta.
I also want to say that I have re-read this thread, and I used the term "Token Jews" which I now regret. It is other people that do the tokenising but I don't think it's right to characterise people as "tokens". Hope the distinction is clear.
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