I’m gna start a thread of my journey to stop listening to music, that journey starts today, May Allah (SWT) help me, aameen

Today is day one.
Day one:

Mainly occupied myself with mufti menk’s talks and a podcast.
Alhumdulillah didn’t listen to music willingly, but there were a couple of videos which had music in the background and the shop also had music on.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day two:

Today was a lot harder than yesterday, I was craving just listening to it and kept humming and saying random lyrics from songs, but I just played a mufti menk lecture and I was ok.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day three:

Like yesterday, I was craving music, but today it wasn’t as overwhelming, probably because I was distracted most of the time, but when I was getting my notes done I felt the urge to listen, however I just listened to a Quran playlist which I have.

Alhumdulillah still
Day four:

Alhumdulillah I didn’t listen to any music today, I just hummed a lot 😩 but I read surahs whilst driving to my destinations...also I didn’t crave it as much either

Alhumdulillah still
Day five:

Alhumdulillah, I didn’t listen to any music today. No cravings, just a couple lyrics were going around my head but that was it.

Alhumdulillah still
Day six:

No music at all today, but the same thing with the lyrics being stuck in my head....I think that may be an issue for me tbh.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day seven:

Felt like an epic failure because I listened to a couple of songs Cos they were part of the videos on insta.

I’ll get there InshaAllah.
Day eight:

I managed to avoid music all day Alhumdulillah, but I did end up voicing a couple of lyrics but then stopped myself.

Trying, Alhumdulillah still.
Day nine:

Alhumdulillah I didn’t listen to any music today, fully worked to taraweeh recitation. However on my way home I kept humming and singing this one lyric which was from some movie I can’t remember the name of.

It’s getting a little easier. Alhumdulillah still.
Day 10:

I didn’t listen to any music at all, didn’t listen to anything actually, but when I was cooking I kept singing this random lyric like yesterday, I need help with stopping that tbh.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 11:

Did pretty well today Alhumdulillah, I didn’t listen to anything and didn’t really have anything stuck in my head except one lyric which I mentioned a bunch of times, but I did manage to control a bit of the urge.

Alhumdulillah still
Day 12:

Alhumdulillah I didn’t listen to any music today and I also didn’t think of any lyrics or sing any Alhumdulillah!! I mainly listened to Quran today and managed to get a lot more work done whilst listening to it than usual.
I am proud of myself today

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 13:

So I forgot to post this yesterday but I didn’t listen to music all day, Alhumdulillah.
I had an ayah stuck in my head for most of the morning which I had figured out and I do think I hummed a couple of times.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 14:

Fell asleep and forgot to update but I kind of went off track yesterday and half listened to some music and also had a craving for it because I was annoyed, but I stopped and didn’t listen to anything for the remainder of the day. Alhumdulillah though.
Day 15:

Today was calm, didn’t have cravings and didn’t listen to music, I did hum some random lyric though, but nothing else.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 16:

Ok I am so proud of myself today, Alhumdulillah I didn’t listen to any music nor did I have any cravings for it...nor did I hum anything or sing a lyric, Alhumdulillah for all that.

I hope it carries on this way.
Alhumdulillah still.
Day 17:

Today was decent Alhumdulillah, just listened to Quran and didn’t listen to music or craved any music either. I didn’t him anything either, so I think I’m doing good Alhumdulillah.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 18:

Today went well, didn’t listen to anything Cos I was away from my laptop and phone and was pretty busy throughout the day, I think I only blurted out one lyric and Asian song stuck in my head around 4pm and now I have an ayah stuck in my head.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 19:

I didn’t listen to any music today, I read Quran at fajr time and only listened to Quran recitation via videos, I didn’t hum or sing either but I did have a song stuck in my head.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 20:

MANNN I made it to 20 days Alhumdulillah!!! I didn’t listen to any music or have any cravings, I’m super proud of myself for not singing or humming anything either! Annddd I had no song stuck in my head as well!!

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 21:

I forgot to update yesterday as I wasn’t well, but I didn’t listen to anything Alhumdulillah and nor did I hum/sing anything, I didn’t have any songs stuck in my head either Alhumdulillah. Tbh it’s getting slightly easier now.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 22:

Not even going to lie, today I was craving music, like I literally felt like listening to it But Alhumdulillah I kept myself in check and resisted the urge, whilst doing work I focused on Quran and Alhumdulillah I was ok. I didn’t hum/sing either.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 23:

Didn’t listen to anything except this one insta video, and I had a song stuck in my head but that was it, I didn’t listen to anything else or him/sing Cos I spent most of the day in bed.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 24:

Alhumdulillah I didn’t listen to anything today, no music at all, I also didn’t listen to anything else e.g. Quran, but I had a song stuck in my head in the morning, other than that, nothing.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 25;

Not gna lie, today was rough, I listened to some Quran and then I ended up listening to music Cos I was so annoyed and just needed to drown everything for a bit. I’m disappointed in myself ngl.

I feel like an idiot.
Day 26:

I lowkey felt like I’ve fallen off track like I listened to music a couple of times and sang too which obviously is not good. But I’m hoping to get back on track make progress. I refuse to go back into this habit.

May Allah make it easy for me, aameen.
Day 27:

I knocked out last night and didn’t write up, but I didn’t listen to anything Alhumdulillah, I didn’t have any cravings either even though I expected them and I didn’t hum or sing.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 28:

I didn’t listen to any music today but I did crave it. I didn’t sing anything or hum anything either. To be honest I spent half of the day sleeping lol.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 29:

Fell asleep and didn’t update but pretty much listened to music again whilst doing my work
Day 30:

I’m not gonna lie, I am struggling with this a bit and have picked listening ton music back up, but I’m still trying to break out of it. I did listen to music today although in my car I was reading duas, I need to fix up.
Day 31:

I feel like I’m going more and more downhill tbh, like I was listening to music again today. And like I do good for a bit and then flop, I kind of don’t know how to handle it.
Day 32:

Today was better than yesterday to an extent, I feel I listened to less music
Day 33:

I think I’m getting back on track, I hope, I listened to a bit of Quran but I also listened to music and silence. I think I need to take a step back and reevaluate what I doing, and also think before I do stuff
Day 34:

Ok today I listened to less music than the past few days and I find that progressional, I’m hoping to cut down completely.
Day 35:

So today was better, I only listened to one song but it was on repeat so that’s bad. However it is coming down and I don’t have as much of a craving anymore, so Alhumdulillah.
Day 36:

Alhumdulillah I’m so proud of myself today, I didn’t listen to any music at all, even when being in situations where I usually do listen to music. Unfortunately I did sing one lyric, but that was only one lyric at one isolated situation.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 37:

Almost forgot to do this, most of today I didn’t listen to music and managed pretty well, but then I got really stressed and listened to music.
Day 38:

Most of today I didn’t listen to music but I did sing one lyric for like two seconds, but when I was working I ended up going from listening to the interview recordings to music....so it’s bad.

I need to break outta this
Day 39:

Alhumdulillah I didn’t listen to any music today, surprisingly I didn’t sing anything either and nor did I crave music, even when doing work, which was unusual but I’m honestly so happy with that Alhumdulillah.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 40:

Alhumdulillah today was good, although the events of today weren’t good I still managed to push through. I didn’t listen to any music and nor did I crave it, but I did sing a lyric Cos someone else was singing.

But Alhumdulillah, progress still.
Day 41:

Alhumdulillah I haven’t listened to any music today, even in the jobs I would definitely listen to music in. I didn’t sing today either Alhumdulillah. But I had a song stuck in my head earlier in but Alhumdulillah that went away soon enough.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 42:

Alhumdulillah, didn’t have any cravings for music nor did I listen to any music except for one video which had a song in the background. I actually managed to not sing anything either and didn’t really have anything stuck in my head so that’s good.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 43:

I listened to music again but not as much as previously. I keep falling off track and it’s frustrating me.
Day 44:

Ok today was a little better than yesterday. I listened to less music and didn’t have anything stuck in my head but I need to keep working on this.
Day 45:

Alhumdulillah today I didn’t listen to music much at all, only for a small part of the day which is amazing for me ngl, InshaAllah it continues to decrease.
Day 46:

Alhumdulillah I didn’t listen to much music today, although I did for a little bit. But I’m working through it.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 47:

Alhumdulillah today I didn’t listen to any music intentionally, however I did have a song stuck in my head.

Alhumdulillah still
Day 48:

So today Alhumdulillah I didn’t listen to music for the majority of the day but hen a song got stuck in my head and I went and listened to it, I need help with that bit ngl.
Day 49:

Didn’t update last night Cos I was sick but I didn’t listen to much music at all, only when I was in the car for like 20 minutes. I am improving Alhumdulillah.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 50:

Alhumdulillah I didn’t listen to any music today, although I had a song stuck in my head earlier, but other than that I didn’t listen to anything or crave anything or sing anything which is good.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 51:

Alhumdulillah I didn’t listen to any music today either but I had that tiktok song stuck in my head which is doing my head in and I think I sang a lyric today as well but that’s it tbh.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 52:

Today was a good day tbh but I ended up randomly listening to a random song for a bit, then realised what was happening and stopped. I didn’t have any songs stuck in my head tbh and didn’t sing anything either.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 53:

So today was a bit of weird one, I listened to a song in the car and a song in repeat for about 20 minutes when working and then stopped and listened to Quran for the rest of the day. No songs stuck in my head or singing.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 54:

Today I didn’t listen to any music, Alhumdulillah. I’m so shook and proud of myself!
But I do have a song stuck in my head rn......so that’s bad.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 55:

Alhumdulillah I didn’t listen to music today, although there was a video with a song in it. But I didn’t intentionally listen to anything. I sang a lyric to a song though but didn’t have any songs stuck in my head.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 56:

I did pretty well for the majority of the day but then I had a song stuck in my head and ended up listening to it for a bit, I also sang a lyric earlier today. I shouldn’t have.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 57:

Today didn’t go too well, I managed to avoid listening to music for part of the day but then ended up having a random song stuck in my head which lead to me listening to more music. It could have been avoided if I didn’t have a song in my head.

Imma keep trying.
Day 58:

Today was an on and off music day, at points I listened to music and then got annoyed and stopped listening. It went on like that for most of the day Cos songs would appear in my head then disappear.
Day 59:

Today was also not good, I listened to music and sang a couple lyrics. But I have noticed a pattern of when I listen to music so I’m going to try and break that InshaAllah, duas requested.
Day 60:

I forgot to update this last night Cos I fell asleep but I did listen to music but not as much, so that was good Alhumdulillah. I’m working on it.
Day 61:

So today was a mixture. I didn’t listen to music for the majority of morning and evening but the midsection of the day was when I listened to music. I hummed and sang as well but I have a plan which will commence now, so InshaAllah khair.
Day 61:

Today was fairly good Alhumdulillah, at so many points I craved music and had a couple songs stuck in my head, but I managed to get through them by going and doing something else, Alhumdulillah I avoided music today.

I’m happy with that, Alhumdulillah still.
Day 62:

I just realised I messed up the flow of the thread so this tweet and the one above have been tweeted at the same time tho the one before thi was tweeted yesterday.
Alhumdulillah I didn’t listen to any music today though but I did have a song stuck in my head earlier.
Day 64:

I’ve messed the numbering up.
But Alhumdulillah I didn’t listen to music today either, I also didn’t crave it or song anything but at one point I did have a song stuck in my head but then it went away.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 65:

Today I didn’t listen to any music Alhumdulillah.
However I did have a lyric stuck in my head which I sang and then realised what I was doing so I stopped. I think I just need to get everything out of my head tbh.

But Alhumdulillah still.
Day 66:

Alhumdulillah I didn’t listen to any music today either. I didn’t sing anything either but I did have a song stuck in my head for a bit which was frustrating.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 67:

Alhumdulillah today I didn’t listen to nicks and I didn’t have anything stuck in my head either however I did accidentally sing one word from a song, Ramadan is helping me.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 68:

Alhumdulillah I didn’t listen to music yesterday either , nothing was stuck in my head and nor did I sing Alhumdulillah. I forgot to update yesterday.
Day 69:

Alhumdulillah I didn’t listen to music today either. I didn’t have any lyrics or anything in my head and I didn’t don’t either. Alhumdulillah. I think I am progressing well now.

May Allah help em and all others who are trying. Aameen
Day 70:

Alhumdulillah no music, no singing, no thinking of songs, literally nothing Alhumdulillah
Day 71:

I forgot to update this again last night but Alhumdulillah I didn’t listen to anything, the craving for music seems to have long gone and and the humming/singing etc is gone as well i think.

Alhumdulillah still.
Days 72-81:

I couldn’t even update this but Alhumdulillah I haven’t listened to any music or had any temptations to listen to anything. No humming, singing or lyric thinking which is super for me tbh. I’m proud of myself.

Alhumdulillah And InshaAllah I continue.
Day 82-115

Alhumdulillah during this time I haven’t listened to any music and haven’t had anything stuck in my head.
Recently (today) I have felt tempted to listen to music but Alhumdulillah I haven’t.
Alhumdulillah still.
Days 116-159

Over this time it’s been hard, there’s been times where I haven’t listened to music at all and days where I have; although it hasn’t been as hardcore. The craving for music isn’t there but when a lyric comes to mind I end up listening.

Alhumdulillah still
Days 117-197

I’ve been slacking with updates/progress/everything. But in regards to my journey I have stopped listening to music all the time but I listen once or twice a week. I just need that final push to fully stop and continue not listen again.

It’s harder than it sounds.
Days 198-370

I KNOW I haven’t updated this in a long time but I’ve failed myself and was annoyed and embarrassed to put it up but I’m facing it today. I haven’t done well, I went back to listening to music but I am going to retry once again starting today InshaAllah.

Day 371

I’ve become bad at tracking- but Alhumdulillah I didn’t listen to a lot of music today but I did listen to a few songs.
However I am definitely going to work on this InshaAllah to leave it for good.

Alhumdulillah still.
Day 372
Alhumdulillah I didn’t listen to music intentionally today. I skipped through most videos which had songs as a background thingy as well to avoid it as well.

Alhumdulillah still.
Days 373-375

I have managed to decrease the amount of music I listen to Alhumdulillah. Every time I have the urge to listen to music I either start writing or I listen to Quran and so far Alhumdulillah I haven’t intentionally listened to anything except a few times in the car.
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