SO LET ME TELL Y’ALL ABOUT MY CUSTOMERS: a customer shamming thread
This lady that always come in and treats the restaurant like a bar came in 3 times today. First time alone, second time with her bf, third time alone but was straight up cussing out her husband over the phone. Yes, you read that right.
Idk exactly what she said, but she for sure said ‘pendejo’ so I was like hello you’re being loud and other people can hear you so she hung up and got the bill and left
I also had a table that asked for a fried roll and I told them we only had the deep fried philly roll which has salmon and cream cheese. She then asked for sushi.... with no fish......
She then got up to ask the sushi chef directly for a fried roll without fish and he said THE EXACT SAME THING and she ordered it????????
This couple (maybe?) came in and the lady’s food came out first. The guy’s food came out three minutes later and she threw this huge fit!!!
One of the other waitresses was bringing it out as they were trying to flag me down
The lady starts yelling how he ‘waited so long’ for his food and she apologies, but the lady is just like ‘we don’t do sorry hunny’ like???? I guess you wanted uncooked meat then huh
This other family comes in tonight and just starts grabbing menus as they walk in so I just told them to pick a seat and I would grab the menus. The mom was just like ‘oh no we got them’ giving me hella sass and I look her dead in the eyes and tell her she has the lunch menus
I had..... a customer.... put his phone in his mouth... while he grabbed the rest of his stuff....

But he had a lanyard??? That his phone was connected to???? I’m so confused
This dude came in asking for ‘General Cho’s Chicken’ which is probably served at the Chinese place down the street. When I told him that we didn’t have that he asked why. WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY??? WE DONT HAVE THAT HERE.
ALSO!!!! IF YOU ARE GOING TO ORDER GET OFF THE PHONE!!!! I’m not going to understand your pointing when you cover three different things!!!
Bro I’m still shook about how this dude asked me my ethnicity and told me ‘there’s no such thing as white’. Dude. I’m white. I’m literally the shade of these walls. Leave me be.
This girl said ‘wasabi is my enemy’ and I felt that

My first shift back from a two month vacation, and my first table is a 7 top. All separate bills (which they told me AFTER they all ordered randomly) and they requested their checks WITH their food because they were “short on time”

We need to replace all the customers that put their EMPTY SUGAR PACKETS back into the container with people seeking asylum.

Listen, I don’t get paid NEARLY enough to sit here and talk politics with you. You know we’re on ‘opposing’ parties. Don’t try to start shit with me.
Anyway, does anyone remember that lady with a boyfriend and husband? Yeah so she came in, ordered a beer, then frantically asked for the check when her phone started ringing. She paid, but then proceeded to stay right where she was at for the next hour and a half.
She then asked for the check AGAIN even though she haven’t had anything else. When we told she she already paid, she just looked kind of upset? But left all of her change from the first bill. $17 for a $7 beer.

If you come into MY restaurant AT closing, demand to be served because the sign wasn’t flipped yet, continue to stay for over half an hour, spill your water, and complain that service is bad? You can kiss my ass.
Also? All we asked was if you were going to pay cash or card because we needed to close the registrar. Don’t need your bitch ass attitude SIR.

Idk what was with today but almost ALL of my regulars came today. Even the ones that I hadn’t seen since I went to Japan we’re here. They all expect me to just stand there and talk with them (which I want to do) but I’m busy!!!
Also, I forgot to tweet this last week but:

Lady: I want the grilled squid

Me: ok, that comes with teriyaki sauce, ginger sauce, or just salt

L: just the salt

M: ok! Anything else?

L: yes, does the squid come with any sauce??


Next customer to take something off my tray is going to get drop kicked. There’s a certain way I’m holding it to make sure I can carry all 12 dishes so don’t mess with it!!
Don’t EVER bring your pets into a restaurant if it’s not a service animal! It’s not sanitary and some people have allergies! If you can’t leave your pets at home for long just order take out!!
If you do require a service animal, please let us know so we can seat you appropriately

I usually don’t answer the phone if we’re not open yet because there’s a lot of prep work to be done, but since I finished early I answered the phone. First call of the day and the grand ma goes “wow it finally connected, this is why I hate this place”

First of all, it was the first call of the day. The phone did not ring once.

Second, if you hate this place so much, don’t order from here???

Listen, I love having kids in my section. Even when they leave a big mess, cry, throw stuff, whatever. They’re kids. But when the parent starts letting them put stuff in their mouth like the sauces? That crosses the line.

Still not sure why I put the date on these but ANYWAY

Bar lady (her name is Fatima, I found out recently) brought flowers and said they were for the manager. One of the cooks said no, she got them from her boyfriend but couldn’t take them home because of her husband
Why.... would you come to a Japanese restaurant... which specializes in sushi and ramen.... and order a steak. Like why
I had a grown ass man eat udon noodles with his hands, like a child. Like he held each individual noodle up and ate it from the bottom.
Dear table of 19 that came in 40 min before we closed with no reservations,

What the actual fuck.
So in honor of my picking up everyone shift (meaning high chance of dealing with shitty customers) I’m just gonna dump a bunch of shit things that happened these past couple weeks

Starting with the party of 14 (no reservations) that made me cut this tiny ass cake 14 ways
Wasn’t me, but happened to my (fully Japanese) manager:

Customer: do you guys have noodles?
Manager: yes, we have ramen, udon, and soba
C: ok but do you guys have like, authentic Japanese noodles?
M: *just stares at him*
I had a table of 3 for over 2.5 hours, spend like $120. They were so surprised that they are and drank so much. Stayed past closing and split checks. Total tip was $8 and it was from the two that payed $30.
I have these two ladies that always gets the chicken wings and a ramen. They know the wings take forever to make but always gets mad when the ramen comes out first. Last night I didn’t put in the ramen order until the wings came out and they got mad that the ramen wasn’t there 🤦🏻‍♀️
Update on bar lady: she now has another boyfriend??? Also idk if I wrote it in this thread, but she also has a thing for one of the sushi chefs (who is married) and idk if it was her, but someone got into a shouting match with his wife outside of the restaurant
But it also could have been one of the other ladies that works at the bar down the street because he’s always with her after work but 🤷🏻‍♀️ never liked him anyway
This older couple comes in and only the husband orders. The wife says she doesn’t want anything. I bring out the husbands food and she says she ordered the same thing. I’m ready to fight on this slow Sunday.
Same lady: she said there was no toilet paper in the bathroom. I brought a couple rolls with me from storage and this is what I see.
If you have your own food, you have no business being at a restaurant!!!! The only reason this would be ok is if it’s a baby and can only drink milk or eat Cheerios!! That’s it! I don’t care if your kid doesn’t like Japanese food! Don’t bring in Mexican food from next door!!!!!!!
This couple came in today and one of the boys had SO MANY hickeys on his neck and was trying so hard to cover it with his sweater and the other boy just looked so proud of himself like wow I support both of you but please I’m getting second hand embarrassment
Not technically a customer but this fedex truck has been parked outside of the restaurant since 4pm taking up 4 spots and the dick driver tried to argue with me. Anyway that story is long so I’m just gonna leave it at that.
This was from way long ago from when I was working at a crepe place, but these two guys came in and one of them was super sad and the second guy was like “dude she’s not worth it blah blah blah” and the first dude said “you know what. You’re right” and put something in the tipjar
It was too busy for me to check what it was and was hoping it wasn’t gum. Again.

But after my shift I went to go count tips and there was a promise/ engagement ring. At least that’s what our guess was. Hope that guy is living a better life now.
First time back at work after we were closed for a month and my long time regular asked me if I was pregnant. Thank you for that.
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