What people think ADHD is like: I don't really feel like working, I'll browse the internet and stare into space instead. Oops I got nothing done. 🙃

What it's actually like: Ok ready to work, oh but first let me feed my cat, I should also clean his litter box, also need to sweep
up the litter, actually might as well sweep this entire room, ok gotta take out the trash now, hmm let's take out the recycling too, shit I need to buy more trash bags, let's make a shopping list, should probably get stuff for dinner also, uhg the trash can needs to be cleaned.
Ok phew, clean trash can, happy cat, clean floors, time to get to work. *Stomach growls* Ok let's eat breakfast first though. *Makes cup of coffee and sits down to work.* I need to finish that project I said I'd work on today, oh first let's answer these emails.
Ah yes, this needs my edits ASAP. *Deeply focused on task.* DING DING, text from boss: "DID YOU SEE SO AND SO'S EMAIL RE THIS OTHER PERSON'S PROJECT?! THEY'RE NOT IN TODAY CAN YOU DEAL WITH IT!" *Drops everything to deal with it, still receives multiple distracting texts from
boss saying how urgent it is and asking about status.* "I'm working on it now." "Yes it will be a minute, I'm working on it as we speak." "Yes this is what I'm working on atm." "Still working on it, will be a few minutes." Fuck this needs a lot more work than I anticipated.
Ok let's just quickly research all this, consolidate the relevant info and add it to the project so it's complete. Done. Oh shit, I don't have the info for this other part though, let me get that info from the person who has it, and while I wait for them to get back to me,
I'll just work on other stuff. *Works on various tasks.* Shit, did I ever get that info I needed, I did, ok cool, yay that project is now done! Back to my emails. *Stomach growls* Uhg, I'll eat after I finish answering these emails and dealing with these other priority tasks.
Shit I forgot to drink my coffee, oh well. *Takes out Invisalign and drinks cold coffee.* DING DING, texts from employee asking if I've seen new document and asking question about it. Let's just look at this document real quick so we know what they're talking about.
Ah this needs a lot of editing. I'll just read through and edit it and then I should have an answer to their question. Whoops that took longer than expected. And shit, what their question was about never even came up in the document.
Oh well I'll just answer their question, let them know I made edits, and get back to my emails. DING DING new email, "Send this report out ASAP, but wait for Devan to approve it before sending." Ok well I guess I have to review and edit this report first. Done! Back to my emails.
*Cat decides to sit on me and my computer and won't move.* Dude I love you but I gotta work. Hmm is this normal? I should google why my cat is so clingy. *Googles it, reads several articles.* Fuck ok back to those emails. Hm ok let's edit this interview.
DING DING DING DING DING DING. Gets a bunch of distracting emails that have nothing to do with me. Back to editing the interview. Yay done with that! Ok now let's review this press release. Done. Shit I still need to get to that project I said I'd finish today.
Ok let's look at that right now. DING DING email, "Can you come to this thing tonight." Uhg can I? Probably. Do I want to though? Kind of? Well yes, but also no, I know I won't want to have to rush there. Let's think about it before replying.
Wasn't there something else I was supposed to be doing? Ah yes, that project I promised I'd finish today. Ok let's look at it. THERE'S A NEW VERSION OF OFFICE DO YOU WANT TO UPDATE NOW?! Uhg no but I guess I'll get it over with. I have to pee anyways.
Uhg why am I the only person who refills the toilet paper. Let's refill the canister rn before I forget. Might as well refill the soap too while I'm over here. I also really need to remember to make a shopping list when I'm done working.
Ugh and I need to run by the post office before it closes to mail those packages. Shit that project. *FINALLY FINISHES THE PROJECT!* DING DING, "Hey can you review this thing again, I made other changes." Ok fuck it let's knock this out real fast. Done!
Shit when did it get dark out? *Stomach growls* Fuuuckk I forgot to eat and I never put my Invisalign back in and I forgot to say whether I'd come to that thing tonight and I never went to the post office!
*Texts to say I'll be at the thing tonight* Hmm I have time before I have to get ready, let's tweet about this. *Takes forever* Shit I need to leave in 10 mins or I'll be late. *Stomach growls* Oh for fuck's sake I still never ate and I still haven't put my Invisalign back in! đŸ˜«
Shoutout to @ErynnBrook and @danidonovan for inspiring me to talk about the weird shit my brain does (aka my ADHD) on here. đŸ™ŒđŸ»
Also now I'm in a car on the way to the thing, and I can't actually remember leaving, and I definitely don't know if I turned my lights off and locked the door.
And if you're exhausted by this, yay you got it. Because for me, the worst part of my ADHD, aside from forgetting basic things, is how intrusive and mentally exhausting it all is. Today would have been 100 times worse if I wasn't by myself in a quiet fairly distraction free room.
You can follow @devanmickell.
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