#QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
From its inception in 1992 at the UN Earth Summit, 50,000 delegates, heads of state, diplomats and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) hailed Agenda 21 as the “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society.”
@cspanwj #QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
They warned us that the reorganization would be dictated through all-encompassing policies affecting every aspect of our lives, using environmental protection as the excuse to voluntarily surrender our liberties.
#QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
“"Current lifestyles and consumption patterns involving meat, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.”

” Of course, if it’s not “sustainable” it must be stopped
#QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
“Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society unless the parents hold a government license.”
#QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
Leading environmental groups advocated that the Earth could only support a maximum of one billion people. “In order to stabilize world populations, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day.”
#QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
To achieve global control to save the planet, it is necessary to eliminate national sovereignty and independent nations. Eliminating national borders quickly led to the excuse for openly allowing the “natural migration” of peoples.
#QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if [it] is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy. It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.”
#QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
Of course, such harsh terms had to be hidden from the American people if the plan was to be successfully imposed. They called it a “suggestion” for “voluntary” action. (Sound familiar)
#QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
Enter the Green New Deal, representing the boldest tactic yet. The origins and the purpose of the Green New Deal couldn’t be more transparent.
#QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
The forces behind the Agenda have thrown off their [disguise] and are now openly revealing that their goal is socialism and global control. They are determined to take congressional action to finally make it the law of the land.
#QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
The Green New Deal would control every aspect of our lives, including how and where we live, the jobs we have, the mode of transportation available to us, and even what we eat.
#QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
The main goal was to eliminate cars, to be replaced with bikes, walking, and light rail trains. The Green New Deal calls for the elimination of the internal combustion engine.
#QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
Then they will turn to airplanes, reducing their use. Higher and higher taxes will be used to get the public to “voluntarily” reduce their personal transportation choices. That’s how it works, slowly but steadily towards the goal.
#QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
Single-family homes are a target for elimination, to be replaced by high-rise stack and pack apartments in the name of reducing energy use.
#QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
That will include curfews on carbon heating systems, mandating they be turned off during certain hours. Heating oil devices will become illegal. Gradually, energy use of any kind will be continually reduced.
#QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
The Green New Deal calls for government control of every single home, office, and factory to tear down or retrofit them to comply with massive environmental energy regulations.
#QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
The beef industry is a direct target for elimination. It will start with mandatory decreases in meat consumption until it disappears from our daily diet. The consumption of dairy will follow.
#QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
The Green New Deal will destroy the very concept of our Constitutional Republic, eliminating private property, locally elected representative government, free markets, and individual freedom.
#QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
All decisions in our lives will be made for us by the government – just to protect the environment of course. They haven’t forgotten how well that scheme works to keep the masses under control.
#QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
Agenda 21, Millennium Project, Agenda 2030, the Green New Deal. They warned us from the beginning that their plan was the “comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society”. The total destruction of our way of life
Some paraphrasing to accommodate tweet-length limits.
Refer to the referenced document for the exact and complete text.
@cspanwj #QAnon #TraitorsJustice #PatriotsFight
Tom DeWeese is one of the nation’s leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education and American sovereignty and independence.
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