1/ One trait that I notice across pretty much all the really good entrepreneurs I've worked with is speed of implementation.
2/ The time between idea and execution is 100x shorter for them than the median person. I love this anecdote from @paulg about @patrickc and @collision - http://paulgraham.com/ds.html 
3/ The source of this speed is a certain comfort with ambiguity, they will make decisions with much more limited information than most people. I call this the 70% rule. - https://taylorpearson.me/fast/ 
4/ In part, I think this comfort is a result of understanding that most decisions can either be reversed or changed later (and the cost of changing them is less than the cost of waiting)
5/ But a lot of it I think is the result of letting go of others' expectations. Mostly we are slow because we fear what others will think of us.
6/ Every four year old has a near instant speed of implementation until it is socialized out of them. https://twitter.com/TaylorPearsonMe/status/1049771616261918720
7/ I think one of the great benefits of Twitter is that it is like going to the gym for implementation speed and caring less about others opinions.
8/ I often play a little game with myself where I see how quickly I can go from having a thought to putting it out in the world. (This tweetstorm took me 12 minutes
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