Hey Dreamcatcher stans, while it’s very likely that the girls and their company isn’t aware about their use of the dreamcatcher and how this missappropriation is rooted in racism, them “not knowing” doesn’t mean it can be excused and continued to be allowed.
When you sit there and use the excuse of “well it’s not intentional” to invalidate the voices of Natives speaking out on how this is problematic... THAT itself is incredibly racist.
Racism harms others whether it’s intentional or not. The only way to fix this issue is to educate on how this is problematic so that it can be resolved.

Yelling “they don’t know” and acting like that excuse means it’s not problematic isn’t resolving anything.
Dreamcatcher has already released a statement for a different issue related to race admitting they they lacked understanding of sensitive cultural issues. Obviously they are capable of learning, understanding, and doing better.

Or do you have no faith in who you stan?
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