The below photo is surely the peak, but Mieszko & Callisto are so tight that I end up w/ a *lot* of photos. Here are a few I have on my camera roll at the moment--with high likelihood of future additions.

#catlife #catsofTwitter https://twitter.com/I_Ailurophile/status/1087840814754131968
"Yes, I love you too, but that's enough now" #Caturday #catlife #catsofTwitter
They can't get enough of each other #Caturday #catlife #catsofTwitter
This is what I call the vampire pose. Bonus #whiskerswednesday and #jellybellyfriday action. #Caturday #catlife #catsofTwitter
It's a fair wager that if Mieszko or Callisto aren't in the living room or kitchen, I'll walk into my bedroom to find them together ❤😻❤ #Caturday #catlife #catsofTwitter
Most excellent bedtime snuggles between Mieszko and Callisto. Very nearly #jellybellyfriday related! #catlife #catsofTwitter
Two recent snuggle sessions, because thats what Mieszko and Callisto do best ❤❤ #fluffyfursday #catlife #catsofTwitter
What better way for Callisto to spend her 3rd birthday than hanging out with her best pal Mieszko? ❤ #luvlyladytuesday #hansumbasturttooosday #JeffsHansumBasturtTooosday #catlife #catsofTwitter
THIS JUST IN: Today they're on the sofa ♥♥ #FluffyFursday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
And THAT is how Mieszko and Callisto do #JellyBellyFriday 😻❤😻 #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Sure, these two photos are outtakes from the same session as the above video in this thread, but how can I not share these, too? ❤❤❤❤❤ #JellyBellyFriday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Mieszko and Callisto - whiskery snuggle friends 😻😻 #WhiskersWednesday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Different day, same whiskery super snuggles ❤😻❤ #WhiskersWednesday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
#JellyBellyFriday is always better with a friend, right Callisto? #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Mieszko-Callisto #Caturday photo dump, Part I - outtakes from the short video I'd shared a couple weeks ago #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Mieskzo-Callisto #Caturday photo dump, Part II - more shots from the same session of a couple weeks ago ❤ #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Callisto simply cannot get enough of Mieszko ❤❤❤ #FluffyFursday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Another Mieszko-Callisto lovefest photo dump because oh my god these two are so precious ❤😻❤😻❤ #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
I love this sequence of photos: There's Mieszko, resting comfortably, when insistent little Callisto sidles up, touches his leg without a hint of subtlety, then dreamily shifts her gaze to the stars ❤😹❤ #WhiskersWednesday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Callisto gets a very early headstart on #JellyBellyFriday while enjoying a little groom from bestie Mieszko ❤❤ #LuvlyLadyTuesday #TongueOutTuesday #HansumBasturtTooosday #JeffsHansumBasturtTooosday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
This photo will be the cover art for Mieszko and Callisto's debut record

(Mieszko gets top billing, but Callisto's whiskers steal the show this time)

#WhiskersWednesday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
In which Callisto openly pines for Mieszko, and he happily indulges her ❤❤❤ #TongueOutTuesday #LuvlyLadyTuesday #HansumBasturtTooosday #JeffsHansumBasturtTooosday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
#WhiskersWednesday Photo Dump, Pt. I: Mieszko is... a vampire? And Callisto is his favorite target #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
ₗₒₒₖ ₐₜ ₜₕₑₘ look at them Look At Them LOOK AT THEM 😭😭😭😻😻😻❤❤❤😻😻😻😭😭😭 #LuvlyLadyTuesday #HansumBasturtTooosday #JeffsHansumBasturtTooosday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Total loss for words, you two 😻🐾😭❤️😺😻😭❤️😺😭❤️😻❤️❤️😭😻🐾❤️😺❤️❤️😻❤️🐾❤️😺❤️😺❤️🐾❤️😻❤️😻❤️😻❤️😻❤️😻❤️😻 #JellyBellyFriday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Callisto has only love in her eyes & tries extra hard to indulge Mieszko's full attention, but he's a bit busy at the moment 😹😻😻❤️ #TongueOutTuesday #LuvlyLadyTuesday #HansumBasturtTooosday #JeffsHansumBasturtTooosday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Callisto and Mieszko, snuggly BFFs ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #FluffyFursday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Every feline friendship in a multi-cat household is a treasure, yet Mieszko & Callisto's bond is truly beyond words 😻❤️❤️😻 Trust me, you want to watch to the end ❤️ #LuvlyLadyTuesday #HansumBasturtTooosday #TongueOutTuesday #JeffsHansumBasturtTooosday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
A collection of photos, from three different occasions, of Mieszko and Callisto snuggling in my bed, as they do ❤️❤️❤️ #LuvlyLadyTuesday #HansumBasturtTooosday #JeffsHansumBasturtTooosday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Sofa snuggles ❤️❤️ #TongueOutTuesday #LuvlyLadyTuesday #HansumBasturtTooosday #JeffsHansumBasturtTooosday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter

(video description: while Mieszko lies on blankets on the sofa, Callisto has crawled under his paw--and on top of my feet--& he begins to groom her)
Whiskery sofa snuggles in which Callisto gives as good as she gets ❤️❤️❤️ #WhiskersWednesday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter

(Video description: Mieszko and Callisto snuggle on the sofa. Callisto grooms Mieszko's fluffy head, who enjoys it so much he leans his head back into her.)
Oh, I suppose I need to append the mini-thread onto the larger Mieszko-Callisto thread ♥♥♥

Sometimes a scenario requires a number of photos and videos that demands more than one tweet ♥♥♥♥♥ #TongueOutTuesday #JeffsHansumBasturtTooosday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter https://twitter.com/I_Ailurophile/status/1227424550176071682
A cozy night with Mieszko and Callisto ❤️❤️❤️ #TongueOutTuesday #LuvlyLadyTuesday #HansumBasturtTooosday #JeffsHansumBasturtTooosday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter

(Video description: Callisto snuggles with Mieszko on the sofa, one of his front legs draped over her, as he grooms her.)
The BFFs join me in watching the credits for 'The Two Towers' #Caturday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
BFFs, cozy in bed.
Mieszko: pauses grooming her to groom himself.
Callisto: stretches to pat Mieszko's head so he resumes grooming her 😭😭😭😻😻😻
#LuvlyLadyTuesday #HansumBasturtTooosday #JeffsHansumBasturtTooosday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter #TongueOutTuesday #ToeBeanTuesday
Music from #FinalFantasyVII (PS1) improves all, even Mieszko grooming Callisto as they cuddle 😻

Also: Callisto's belly? the paw draping over? 😻😻😻
#TongueOutTuesday #ToeBeanTuesday #LuvlyLadyTuesday #HansumBasturtTooosday #JeffsHansumBasturtTooosday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Four photos, two scenes, two amazing cats, and more whiskers than I can count 😻😻😻😻 #WhiskersWednesday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
You know how I do: I have to make sure I append today's mini-thread to the larger Mieszko-Callisto snuggle thread 😸😻😻♥ #FluffyFursday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter https://twitter.com/I_Ailurophile/status/1243303012367568896
Mieszko and Callisto enjoy some cuddles on the couch ❤️❤️ #FluffyFursday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Birthday girl Callisto enjoys sofa snuggles with BFF Floofmonster Mieszko, Part I 😻😻 #FluffyFursday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Birthday girl Callisto enjoys sofa snuggles with BFF Floofmonster Mieszko, Part II 😻😻 #FluffyFursday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Epic snuggles for Mieszko and Callisto ❤️❤️❤️ #FluffyFursday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Were this staged, Mieszko is a beat early 😹😻 #TongueOutTuesday #LuvlyLadyTuesday #HansumBasturtTooosday #JeffsHansumBasturtTooosday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter

(Video description: Grooming Callisto on the sofa, Mieszko abruptly rears back in alarm just before the music crescendos)
Awaken ❤️😻❤️ #LuvlyLadyTuesday #TongueOutTuesday #HansumBasturtTooosday #JeffsHansumBasturtTooosday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter

(Video description: Mieszko lies on my bed, reclined against my pillow, and Callisto reclines against him, both grooming his fur. Her paw lies over his.)
More sofa snuggles: The Video 😻😻 #LuvlyLadyTuesday #HansumBasturtTooosday #JeffsHansumBasturtTooosday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter

(Video description: Mieszko and Callisto snuggle atop blankets on the sofa. He grooms her while she buries her face into his floof as much as she can.)
A typical scene: Mieszko, just happily lying about somewhere. Callisto, sauntering up to him and just totally flopping, digging her noggin into him as much as she can ❤️❤️❤️ #JellyBellyFriday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Mieszko and Callisto enjoy some quality cuddles while Aela is plenty relaxed herself ❤️❤️😻🧡🖤 #WhiskersWednesday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
I don't have words for this one 😻😻

(Description: Mieszko & Callisto lie on either side of my legs on the sofa. She cranes her neck over my legs toward him, & he lovingly grooms her.)

#LuvlyLadyTuesday #HansumBasturtTooosday #JeffsHansumBasturtTooosday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Mieszko and Callisto are truly two of a kind ❤️❤️ #JellyBellyFriday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Mieszko and Callisto, loafing together in quiet contemplation ❤️❤️ #KittyLoafMonday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Mieszko and Callisto are all but inseparable. Especially if you ask her ❤️❤️😹 #FluffyFursday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Sometimes Callisto's overtures are a bit much even for Mieszko, but today he's reveling in it ❤️❤️❤️ #WhiskersWednesday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
BFFs relaxing on a sunny afternoon ❤️❤️ #WhiskersWednesday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Starring Mieszko & Callisto
Part I
#FluffyFursday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Starring Mieszko & Callisto
Part II
#FluffyFursday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Starring Mieszko & Callisto
Part III
#TongueOutTuesday #LuvlyLadyTuesday #HansumBasturtTooosday #JeffsHansumBasturtTooosday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter

(Description: Squeezed between my leg and the sofa, Mieszko briefly grooms Callisto as she leans into him.)
Mieszko and Callisto know that #KittyLoafMonday is less about how you spend it than who you spend it with 😻😻 #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter #MondayMotivaton
I'll be honest, this may be one of my favorite photos of Mieszko and Callisto 😻😻😻 #FluffyFursday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
An interlude to demonstrate how Mieszko & Callisto's cuddling is a bit one way at times ;) #Caturday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter

(Description: Callisto, standing, leans into Mieszko as he lies on the floor. She then flops behind him as close as she can, but he balks & swats at her.) https://twitter.com/I_Ailurophile/status/1306781615411154950
Nothing and no one will get in the way of Mieszko's #JellyBellyFriday, not even Callisto's cuddling.

Nothing and no one will get in the way of Callisto cuddling Mieszko, not even his #JellyBellyFriday

😸😻😻😸 #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
Truly the best of friends ❤️❤️❤️ #WhiskersWednesday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter

(Description: Callisto and Mieszko lie at the foot of my bed, facing onr another. As brighy afternoon sun fills the room, she leans into him, and he lovingly grooms her.)
A low-light video, yes, but this is important: Callisto & Mieszko snuggle on the sofa, both facing toward my laptop. Mieszko has wrapped both his fluffy front paws around her neck & shoulders to groom her as she leans into him 🥺🥺😻😻 #FluffyFursday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
A couple cuddly cuts that followed the video I shared last week in this thread ❤️❤️ Mieszko and Callisto are truly BFFs 😻😻 #LuvlyLadyTuesday #HansumBasturtTooosday #JeffsHansumBasturtTooosday #CatLife #CatsOfTwitter
You can follow @I_Ailurophile.
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