Okay lah guys, I spill dekat sini lah ye...
That girl did some kind of collection for rice wreath on iKONCERT 2016 and a few people joined it and that was okay.. They called their group as Malaysia Fansite.
Until after iKONCERT, she drop the news that iKON will be coming to Malaysia for fanmeeting... She said during iKONCERT, iKON plan to filmed the summertime in Malaysia but cancelled.
Then they collect the money for 3 days 2 night trips as I remember (Me and my friend only joined after a few people can't joined it) and their itinerary is so fucking funny..
Me and my friend joining this summertime with ikon shit with a suspicious feeling bcs we know this shit is 100% scam and we just want to know how this shit will end lol.. We pay RM200 and it was only for dinner with iKON..
Oh wait their itinerary:

- Spend time with bias in Zoo Negara
- Ride the cruise with iKON
- Dinner and can sit next to your bias during the dinner
- Mini concert; yall can asked what song yall want them to sing

Ada bunyi macam scam tak? Eh mestilah adooo hahahaha
They planned this summertime on February (if im not mistaken) but suddenly said it was delayed to other months.... other monthssss and many other monthsssssss...
Then one day, she drop the news that the fanmeeting shit was cancelled lol. Sorry I am too lazy to edit this shit since I'm on PC. She basically said the FM was cancelled bcs the Korean Fansite cancelled it.
Oh I forgot, at first she said the FM is under IME and YG and then suddenly change to Korean Fansite and she said the fansite scammed her.. I remember asking her which fansite did it but she cant answer me and keep saying "I don't remember which fansite but it involve w a scam"
And FYI, the amount that she scammed is not small. As I remember, 1 member paid almost RM1K and imagine theres 20+ to 30 people in that group? Rich asssssssssssssss..
Long short story, she come out that she actually did the scamming lmao! She said she did this scam because she broke up with his BF lolololol
Aku harap lepas ni takdak sapa la mudah percaya dengan apa dia cakap...
Dia refund balik but slowly tapi
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