Tea time 🐸☕️

Wade and I were together for over 7 years, but I bet that isn’t in his “documentary” because it would ruin his timeline. And did I mention, it was my uncle, #MichaelJackson, who set us up? Wade is not a victim, #WadeRobsonIsaLiar
I pray he comes at me for these #truths cause I will happily put him in his place.
I found out Wade cheated on me with multiple woman who he hoped would advance his career. You might know one of them, because it was a huge pop music scandal. Wade is not a victim, he’s an #Opportunist
Wade: You constantly talked about wanting to be “relevant”. You’ve burned so many bridges that now the only time you are #relevant is when you headline with my family’s name next to yours. It’s time to stop these lies and live your own life.
You can follow @BJackson82.
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