How to criticize Israel without being anti-Semitic:
- criticize actual policy
- speak from a place of knowledge, accuracy & context
- suggest or work towards solutions, not the destruction of Israel
- recognize the conflict is not one-sided, that both ppls have pain & want peace
- if you criticize a policy, know why it was implemented, for example: the security wall. Where is it? Why was it placed there? What were the results on both sides?
- know your history, it matters. When you speak from ignorance you make grave errors and things seem quite simple
- recall that there are real people involved, real people who want peace and security.
- Jews don't equal Israel. Don't blame "Jews" for Israeli policies you don't like
- don't use tropes such as hypnotized, cabal, Jewish money, globalists, etc. when speaking of Israel or Jews
- if you're tempted to blame the world's ills on Israel, you might have an anti-Semitism problem not to mention a lack of knowledge of world affairs
- if you see Israel as evil & Pals as always good, you might have an anti-Semitism problem not to mention a lack of historical info
Again, it's easy to criticize Israel without being anti-semitic if you focus on policy, accuracy, context & information in intelligently formed sentences over chants. "from the river to the sea" is a call to end Israel's existence. We will always see it as such. Don't use it.
Reader submitted: Do you single out Israel over all other nations? Do you believe in religious ethnic nation states, just not a Jewish one? If so, you’re probably edging toward antisemitism.
Using hyperbolic and inaccurate terms such as “Apartheid”, “genocide” and “ethnic cleansing” may evoke the reaction you want by invoking the horrors of human history, but they do not describe reality and show a serious ignorance - and bias - on the part of the speaker
tell me how genocide has been practiced in Gaza - pls include the population numbers before and after - and please cite actual numbers, not propaganda #s - thanks!
Wait. You said genocide. Are you backing away from genocide to something else now?
I do live here, BH. But it's certainly not my own!
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