Reminders: A Thread...
Day 1:
I want you to take a moment to say Alhamdulilah for just one thing in your life. Let this ‘Alhamdulilah’ be slow and heavy on the tongue. Let it embody your gratitude. Now smile. Because remember you once cried for this, now look at where u are. Alhamdulilah for it all 💙
Day 2:
Kindness. To help others and to not withhold something which will benefit others. Have the right intentions and be the kindest. Offer up your seat. Help wash the dishes. Lend a pen. Give a friend a lift home. Or just smile. The world needs it. It needs your kindness.
Day 3:
Death. We don’t even think about it anymore. But you WILL cease to be from the people of the dunya. You strive to impress, busy yourself with earning and neglect the reality of your end. Wake up. This is not your home. Come back. May Allah grant us a noble end.
Day 4:
Strive. I’ve been lost for the past weeks and the work ethic which once defined me suddenly feels strange. Consumed by my fear of failure and of the future I let go of trying. But to stop is to die. Allah will provide but you MUST try. Try your best. It’s all you can do..
Day 5:
Simplicity. Sometimes it is not the fancy dinners or dressed events that bring us the most joy. Idk about you but my best times have been sitting on the floor eating with my family in our small room. It is not what you have but rather the blessing in it which matters.
Day 6:
Family. Strengthen the ties of kinship. No more held back feelings. Tell your mother you love her. Tell your father he’s your hero. Remember often those who are no longer here and hold tight to those who remain. Grow your own tree and remain proud of your deep roots.
Day 7:
Rise. Rise to the challenge of the unknown. Face the shadows with grit. It is your duty to fight on. Remain humble in the dirt. You will one day rest there. Work hard. Sacrifice much. Understand the goal. Inshallah you’ll be exactly where you’re meant to be in the end.
Day 8:
Perspective. Look at you now. On top of the mountain you once craned ur head to look at. Look at you unafraid of the very things that kept u up at night. Wallah by the assistance and mercy of Allah you can achieve anything and everything. Refocus and be grateful for now.
Day 9:
Broken-hearted. Your dreams break, your friends leave, family desert you or simply you let ur own self down. Rock bottom is devastating. But it is here where the champions are made. Where purpose is found. Find Al-Jabbar, Al-Fattah, Al-Hadi. He will fix you and guide you.
Day 10.
Humility. Whether you conquered the mountain or have achieved the impossible remember it was your Lord who guided you. And if you are lost in despair remember who did “find you an orphan and give [you] refuge?” Remember where you come from and to who all praise is due.
Day 11:
Talent. Whether ur gifted with the ability to speak clearly, to write elegantly, to care beautifully or even bring up smiles with ease, remember your Lord who granted you the power to do so. Allah sees so much in you. So use your ability to help the world. It needs you.
Day 12:
Isn’t time to let that grudge go? To leave behind the anger, hatred, envy in your heart. You can do well with negative emotions, but the moment you let go, contentment ensues. Understand that Jannah is the goal and the petty arguments will fall. Sleep with a clean heart.
Day 13:
The time for rest is over. So why do you continue to cling so heavily to this earth? We are a number of breaths fading away. So please dear reader, don’t waste it on things which are of use to you. Nurture your soul by working in the path of Allah. Work now, rest later.
Day 14:
This life is test. You were born into the struggle. You kept asking ur Rabb why this was happening and who u were anymore. You lost the very things that defined u. You lost hope. But to struggle is a part of life. Hold on. Allah is near. Hold to hope and keep the faith.
Day 15:
Don’t ever lose hope. In the end, your reality doesn’t change but rather Allah reassures ur heart to conquer the storm. This too shall pass. Have unshakable faith it will. You may as well pass through with sabr and a smile on ur face. May Allah protect you dear reader.
Day 16:
Stay consistent in pursuit of your happiness. Stay committed to yourself. In the end, it’ll be you who remains with your intentions and efforts. Forget about the end result. Forget about the win or loss. Play for yourself. Play for the child that once dreamt to be here.
Day 17:
The turner of hearts will turn you. Al-Jabbar will fix you. You just need to have sabr. The game changing moments come from his timing not yours. Be content with where you are now. Be content despite the broken heart and the countless tears. Have sabr. He will turn you.
Day 18:
Khidhr said this to Musa AS. Imagine a prophet being told he doesn’t have enough sabr!? Now imagine our state when things don’t go our way. In the end Allah planned benefit for his slaves thru their despair. So have sabr dear reader. Better days are to come. Inshallah.
Day 19:
In the darkest of moments plant ur seeds. There will come a day where the sun will shine and u will rest in the shade of the tree you once dreamed of. It will come. For indeed with hardship comes ease. 2019 may have been harsh, but plant the hope that will soon flourish.
Day 20:
Death. I wouldn’t be surprised if I died this year. Certain signs just show it. I just pray that the end is peaceful, that I am forgiven by the people I hurt and that I remember my Lord as I return to Him. For indeed to Allah we belong and indeed to Allah is our return.
Day 21:
Next chapter. Perhaps you’ve moved onto the next chapter without taking in the last. Refusing to understand the lessons of the past you are left in a limbo. Today was a reminder how the story once was. How we once dreamt to be vs how we are now. Alhamdulilah for it all.
Day 22:
This dunya is not worth it. No one will ever understand. You will never know the reasoning behind your hardships. One day it may be revealed to you. Expect nothing. Nothing. Protect your heart. Stay true to Allah. This dunya is not worth it.
Day 23:
You’re not here to be enchanted by this world. Entertainment and distractions will cease. Face the reality now. Face your fear now. Face it so in the end you are left content with your hands that toiled away, your mind that developed and your heart which stood strong.
Day 24:
We fail to recognise the opportunity to set the bar even higher or take the chance to appreciate the current situation. Our failures remind us that although we’re trying, maybe what is meant to be/to come will be far greater than what we ever dreamt of. So dream bigger.
Day 25:
Be kind not for them but for Allah. Your actions will be always be misunderstood by the people, but never by Allah. If you have the understanding of your Lord, then what else can provide you greater satisfaction? Keep your kindness and keep the faith. Reward is coming.
Day 26:
This world has its limits. Even the best of things are not eternal. So why do you strive for such temporary status? Why drag yourself through the pain of earning a drop of water when you are promised an ocean soon? Dear troubled soul, never forget our only goal. Jannah.
Day 27:
Set yourself the higher standards. Yes u WILL be misunderstood but was record breaking, game changing, life inspiring greatness ever accepted at first? “Ur too kind”. No. I am striving to exceed the current standards. I am striving to be the best. Not for you. For Allah.
Day 28:
Don’t give up on your dreams. There is a seed being placed in the soil that will grow to be a crop. It will grow and be cultivated and will be placed on your plate for YOU. The universe is moving to favour you. Don’t give up now. Remember, He always plans in your favour.
Day 29:
Pick up your broken pieces. It’s time to heal.
Day 30:
Faith fluctuates in ur heart and wavers in your limbs but know the Qadr of Allah is powerful. So no matter what situation you are in, no matter how dark the night, no matter how hopeless you become...remember what is meant for u WILL reach u. So be gentle with ur heart.
Day 31:
The time for talking is over. It is time to act. Whether you like it or not, the moment has arrived. Yes it hurts to be let down by others but it kills to be left disappointed by your own self. So act in the fear of your past, love of the present, in hope of your future.
Day 32:
Qualities of a believer. He never gives up on his brother. We must never stop loving each other. We must give love. However the issue lies not in giving, but in receiving it. You must believe you are worthy of love. You are enough. You always were and always will be ❤️
Day 33:
We’re at the edge. Around us is happiness but we’re still focused on the drop into darkness. I say it’s time to lift your head. Dear tired soul, it’s time for you to look at hope on the horizon. It is now time to achieve. To do what you have always done best. Evolve.
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