I am currently cleaning out my unfinished PS4 games pile... by finishing them. So let's start logging them.

Game #1: TACOMA
Fullbright's follow up to Gone Home. Replaying AR logs of a space station crew's last few days of struggling against their draining oxygen. I loved it.
Game #2: God of War.
I'm not a God of War fan. Ken and QTEs do not mix, but this was alright. Heavy on the Dark Souls inspiration, but the enemy variety is incredibly sparse. I could count enemy types on one hand and every boss on the other.
Game #3: Yakuza Kiwami 2
A ground up remake of the second game in the Yakuza franchise. Yakuza quickly became one of my favourite series' when I played Yakuza 0 in October 2017. The core story is completely unchanged after 12 years and holds up remarkably well.
Game #4: Dishonored
Or more specifically, the final DLC. I was actively mad I had to play this. I've really developed a distaste for returning to a game for about 2 hours at a time and I just want to play games when they're finished now. I also refuse to buy them until then.
Game #5: Hellbade: Senua's Sacrifice
Ninja Theory's indie foray could only exist outside of a publishers control. It's claustrophobic, fascinating and features so many mechanical tropes from horror games. Combat encounters were a complete drag though. Felt like padding sometimes.
Game #6: Persona 5
A game I firmly believe was a direct response to the current political climate. I play games as the tides change, so actively committing to this game for 3 weeks straight was incredibly draining. I'm glad I didn't give up on my harem.
Game #7: Resident Evil 2
I'm a big fan of the old style RE games, even if I only started playing them about 3 years ago. Only once did Mr. X burst out of a wall to get me, and I hadn't been that viscerally scared in a long time. Day 1 purchase, well worth it. Bring on RE3Make
Game #8: >Observer_
A cyberpunk horror game by the makers of Layer of Fear, which I hated. This on the other hand, is a lot better. Starring Rutger Hauer for some reason. It's the story of a cop chasing his son through a trail of murders.
Game #9: The Talos Principle
A puzzle game in the vein of Portal, The Witness and... the puzzle sections of Hellblade. I started this on PC years ago, but recently I got it for PS4 in a Humble Bundle. Maybe a little heavy handed on the philosophy, but still a lot of fun.
Game #10: Opus: The Day We Found Earth
Wanted to play a small, low stress game on Switch after... all those others. Probably wouldn't recommend it though.
Game #11: Valkyria Chronicles
I bought this game 3 times, and now I've finally finished it. I loved the combination of real-time and turn based combat. Something that works so well in practice it's crazy no other series has tried it.
Game #12: Dragon Age: Inquisition
One of many games I bought when it launched and still have to beat... or had to. It's done now. Quick Thoughts on characters: Sera's a monster, Iron Bull betrayed my love and Blackwall was not as boring as I thought.
Game #13 Death's Gambit
I fucking love this game. That's it. That's all I have to say, really.
Game #14: Bayonetta 2
Bayonetta has one hell of a combat system and it's no surprise people get excited when they see Platinum Games working on an action title. Nier Automata fans represent! That shit wouldn't exist without Bayonetta.
Game #15: The Messenger
I forgot to include this... Part linear adventure and part Metroidvania. I actually thought it got a lot weaker as a Metroidvania, despite drastically changing the mechanics when you revisit the old areas. Hilarious and really well written.
Game #16: Astebreed
After not finishing a game in months, I return with a short one. Plays like... the mech parts of Nier Automata, so it's pretty fun. The story is the most anime trash you can imagine. Couldn't tell you what happened.
Game #17: Quarantine Circular
Two games in one day! A conversational text adventure about first contact and dealing with a plague. Sequel to Subsurface Circular, which I think I liked more for its quirkiness, but this one felt much bigger, dramatic and like what I said mattered.
Game #18: What Remains of Edith Finch
A game about a cursed family and the memories of the fallen. Games within games. Roam a kingdom while methodically beheading fish. Roll down a hill as a shark. Take photos of your annoying daughter. It's all a good time.
Game #19: Missed Messages
This is a Ludum Dare 44 game and while I've played a few short games this year, this is the first I'm willing to include on the list, so I recommend it. It's free if you want. Trigger warning for suicide and depression https://zephyo.itch.io/missed-message 
Game #20: Gris
For the life of me, I can't think of a single game that has so little to chew on as Gris, but masquerades as a game that should. Some decent puzzles, and that 2D animation is GLORIOUS
Game #21: Overcooked 2
Brings me back to my cooking days. Back when I was a cat... just throwing food across the kitchen because lava. 10/10 kitchen simulator I'm not even joking.
Game #22: Gato Roboto
Or in English... Cat Robot. Cats and metroidvanias. Two of my favourite things. It's very short, leans real heavy on the Metroid aspect and it's super cheap so what are you doing not playing it?
Game #23: Super Mario Maker 2
It had a story mode that I finished so it counts... What can I say about Mario Maker that infinite YouTube videos and Twitch streams haven't already? Have a lewd screenshot anyway.
Game #24: Root Letter
A VN mystery with light Ace Attorney mechanics(and extremely similar music). I’m sure no one following me has even heard of it but there’s a remake coming out on Switch and PS4, a TV show and a Hollywood movie? Mad.
Game #25: The Witness
I played most of this 2 years ago. Went back to it the other day to find I was actually at the end of the game. Though I still had to do like 70 puzzles... so many puzzles... I forgot how most of them work.
Game #26: Hitman: Season 1
This game is clearly designed for multiple playthroughs, something I'm not inclined to do... but even one go at the whole thing shows the breadth of what can be done.

Or you could shoot your targets in the head. The most difficult route, honestly.
Game #27: Ni no Kuni II
It's an isekai about the President of the United States of America... Man there's a lot to unpack and probably not supposed to be. I haven't met a LEVEL-5 game I didn't like though, and this is no exception.
Game #28: The Alchemist Code
It's a mobile gacha game! I put a lot of time into Fire Emblem Heroes, but I've been searching for a game with robust gameplay mechanics and an involving story and this game goes further than any other piece of trash I've ever played.
Game #29: Doom (1993)
I've been getting weirdly nostalgic for this brand of FPS I never really played and in light of the re-releases, I played the PSOne version on my PSP... It's the first FPS on this list and could easily be the only one. Fun though.
Game #30: Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise
I have a lot to say about this game as a fan of both Yakuza and FotNS. Arguably the best part is the casting of Yakuza alumni as titular characters. Kiryu/Ken. Majima/Jagi. Ryuji/Raoh and much more. It's just perfect casting.
Game #31: Ranko Tsukigime's Longest Day
The game that came with the Short Peace collection. Each cutscene is directed by different people and the game by Suda 51 so the tone shifts wildly. I can't tell if it's lampooning anime trash or celebrating it. Game part sucks though.
Game #32: R-Type Dimensions
A classic shmup arcade game that favours difficulty over quantity and sometimes quality. A real coin-eater. I died 150 times in the hour I spent playing through both games.
Game #33: Master Reboot
Features the quantification of the human mind as memories in a computer but the story is about the developers life and fixing her husbands murder and also a virus? Man I dunno. It ain't good. Probably gonna get featured in my horror game essay though.
Game#34: Destiny 2
Destiny 2 went free-to-play so I freely played through the base campaign. Great soundtrack. Pretty colours. Being an FPS I continue to ponder the futility of all the death I leave in my wake.
Game #35: Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
This expansion has the same amount of content as the base game, so let's consider it standalone. Yeah, it's great. A fantastic final battle and I'm still not truly finished.
Game #36: Orwell
I thought long and hard about how to talk about this game in one tweet. I've come to the conclusion that it's a decent enough thrill ride and je recommend, but whatever message it has is stunted by the need to seek out limited choices to continue the story.
Game #37: Outer Wilds
Into the inevitable heat death of the universe, traveler, and the endless possibilities within.
Game #38: Death Stranding
It was dumb and weird and legitimately has the best acting performances in a video game. Madds brought his A game to that absurd script. The real Death Stranding was the friends we made along the way, none of whom gave you likes for your highway.
Game #39: Frog Fractions
Learn some maths. Befriend a dragon. Go to mars. Become president of bug society. Sell government issued pornography. Learn some more maths. The real Frog Fractions were the friends we made along the way.
Game #40: Uncharted 2
I would've preferred more puzzles over more shooting to be honest. Can we talk about how annoying it is to die from being shot while you're stuck in a melee sequence?

Let's see if I can get to 50 before year's end.
Game #41: Pokemon Shield
I haven't played a Pokemon game properly since the Gold remake 10 years ago, and Shield didn't make me regret that. It was as devoid of innovation and change as I expected, perhaps even more so. But it's still Pokemon, for better or worse.
Game #42: Uncharted 3
More puzzles and better set pieces. Spent a chunk of time yelling "How did you even get here?!" Do you ever think about how Arkham Asylum came out and everyone just copied the combat system and not any of the things that made it good?
Apologies... they also copied Detective Mode.
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