Busy in the kitchen today, I'm catching up on podcasts. I had 11-ish minutes left on the latest episode of #StayTuned, having started it earlier in the week. I called it up to finish listening to @PreetBharara's conversation with Senator Harry Reid. 1/ https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/stay-tuned-with-preet/id1265845136?mt=2&i=1000429375817
Not-really-a-spoiler: As their conversation wraps up, they exchange compliments. Harry tells Preet how respected he is and that he's a good person.

Upon hearing that, I burst into tears. Because … 2/
… today is seven years since my very dear friend Jeff Zaslow was killed in a car accident and lately I've been thinking about him once saying to me, "You're a good person, Beth. Maybe that's enough." 3/
I didn't appreciate how important that was at the time but I've come to understand it as the foundation of everything.

The rush of tears, however, was unexpected.

Watching the nearly endless numbers of layers of corruption of this administration unfold, I appreciate … 4/
… Jeff's wisdom more than ever.

As hard as these recent years have been politically, I'm so heartened by the response civically. There are far more good people in this country than not. Most of us care about our fellow Americans. Most of us want to help when we can. 5/
Never underestimate the value of a good deed, however small: a smile, a compliment, a kind gesture. Their power, when multiplied, change the world. 6/6
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