1/ More proof that the Radical Right has turned the Supreme Court into an "Affirmative Action for Christians" venue. On top of the hideous Hobby Lobby and the Little Sisters of the Poor cases, yesterday, the Supreme Court just pushed the country down one heckuva slippery slope.
2/ Every American knows that the Establishment Clause of the Constitution prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another (or no religion). Even little kids know that the gov't CANNOT favor Christians over Jews or Muslims or Pastafarians or Athiests.
3/ Incredibly, in DUNN v. RAY, the Right Wing SCOTUS Justices ruled that it is not improper for a prison to make ONLY CHRISTIAN CLERGY available to console prisoners on their execution day and to PREVENT NON-CHRISTIAN CLERGY from being present at the prisoner's request.
5/ This also demonstrates why it is vital that Democrats NEVER STOP DIGGING into the corrupt activities of Justice Thomas and Justice Kavanaugh. These two men are doing tremendous damage to this nation, and need to be held accountable for their violations of federal law.
6/ During the Kavanaugh hearings, Mitch McConnell said: "These things always blow over." | The translation is: "Democrats stupidly believe they are running a sprint against Republicans, when it is actually a relay race."
7/ One of the plagues of the Democratic Party is the belief that every battle with Republicans is just that--one battle. Once Dems lose, they are expected to just "give up" and go about their business waiting for the next battle to start. That's a losing strategy.
8/ Dems forget that hammering consistently across time is what builds their narrative and opens doors that will allow them to solve real problems later.
9/ Let's go back in time and review what I mean. During the 2004 presidential election, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth led to John Kerry's defeat by George W. Bush. Kerry and the Dems thought there was no need to address the lies during the campaign and did nothing about them.
10/ Do you know what happened? The same folks behind Swift Boat Veterans for Truth turned up hawking the odious "Kavanaugh doppelgänger theory" that Susan Collins used to justify her vote for him. That's what you get when you don't attack. https://www.clickorlando.com/news/politics/conservative-strategist-makes-inexcusable-mistake
11/ During the Bush & Cheney administration, the U.S. gov't engaged in war crimes. There is a reason why the signatories to the Geneva Conventions (including the U.S.) chose a third-party arbiter (the International Red Cross) to determine whether something was a war crime.
12/ A criminal gov't will ALWAYS defend its decisions as "legal." That's exactly what John Yoo and Jay Bybee did. And despite overwhelming evidence of war crimes, EVERYONE WALKED. Hell, Yoo is actually a PROFESSOR, soiling my noble profession with his war-crime-covering skills.
13/ And you wanna know what else happened? Another war criminal who destroyed video evidence of those war crimes is currently head of the CIA--Gina Haspel). That's what happens when you LET CRIMINALS WALK; they come back and muck things up (as criminals tend to do).
14/ Now let's turn to the odious Supreme Court, full of radical and criminal Justices that float above the law. Over the course of five years (2003-2007), SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas failed to disclose $686,589 that his wife, Ginni, earned from the Heritage Foundation.
15/ Each false declaration is subject to CIVIL and CRIMINAL sanctions (5 U.S.C. app. § 104), yet no one in America even knows it happened and Justice Thomas is still on the Supreme Court, twisting the law against average Americans and non-Christians. https://tinyurl.com/3sqzsky 
16/ That this is occuring is a FAILURE of Dems to KEEP ATTACKING. Thomas actually ruled to undermine the Affordable Care Act, even though his wife was BEING PAID work against it. This is nuts. It's corrupt, and Justice Thomas' failure to disclose payments was ILLEGAL EACH TIME.
17/ Why is he still on the Court? Why is there not CONSTANT PUBLIC PRESSURE to get him off the Court? To have him prosecuted? To have him disbarred? All of these options should have been full-court press when Dems controlled the House, Senate & Presidency. What are the plans now?
18/ Ginni Thomas, of course, went on to work with John Bolton in Groundswell in its "30 front war," hyping Benghazi, killing immigration reform and undermining Obamacare. Democrats, please wake up! These people are not nice people! https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/07/groundswell-rightwing-group-ginni-thomas/
19/ Imagine how much different the Kavanaugh debate would have gone had Democrats kept after Justice Thomas all these years....
20/ Even after Angela Wright (another Thomas employee) and Lillian McEwen (Thomas' ex-girlfriend) corroborated Anita Hill's claims, Dems agreed with Maureen Dowd that "it's too late to relitigate" the Hill/Thomas affair. What the hell?!? https://www.salon.com/2010/10/27/anita_hill_clarence_thomas/
21/ In contrast, Repubs viciously go after opponents & the CUMULATIVE ATTACK CREATES OPENINGS over time. For example, over decades, Repubs have complained about Dems being "weak on national defense" or "running up debts."
22/ That created an environment where Obama could INCREASE military spending, and the average American still believes Obama CUT military spending. The same happened when Obama CUT the Payroll Tax by one-third, and most Americans believe Obama RAISED their taxes. What the hell?!
23/ Everyone agrees that Hillary's email server played in role in placing a treasonous, petty, grifter in the White House. Sure, the NYT article and Comey announcement pushed things over the top, but that pushing was only possible because of decades of attacks against Hillary.
24/ Dems forget that the email server was FOUND BY ACCIDENT during the EIGHTH investigation into Benghazi. Repubs didn't care that the first seven turned up nothing, they were going to keep digging forever until something showed up....and they found it, & everyone knows it
25/ Separate thread on Kavanaugh's crimes coming soon....
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