
Sex and Aquarius: The Awkward Stage

Okay 1. Aquas and Uranus heavy people try to resist the urge to disagree w this out of a need to disagree for no reason

2. This won’t apply for everyone, & das okay you srsly don’t have to tell me you special snowflake you.

3. This can go for any Aqua placement-Uranus energy
4. Aqua Stelliums this may not resonate bc y’all will have a lot of Leo energy

5. This is my own personal interpretation and observation. It’s not wrong and it’s not right. It’s just what I’ve noticed

Okay let’s begin
It’s been my experience that Aqua placements, specifically Suns and Risings, but this can go for other placements as well, go through a very confusing, very turbulent period during the time between puberty and around 18 - 25
It will seem as though the Aqua person didn’t hit puberty at all. And this doesn’t mean they don’t develop breasts or muscles, but rather they don’t develop any sexual energy whatsoever. And of course they have no way to explain this to anyone
The lack of sexual energy is subconsciously picked up on by the people around them, & it’s as though they become invisible to the opposite sex. (For same sex I’m not sure)

Most of them dont have a single romantic experience, not even a flirty text, while they’re in this stage.
A lot of them will be noticeably bigger or smaller than their peers, which puts them farther down on the list for being desirable.
So when all this is happening, you’ve got this Aqua kid who can barely pick up on what’s going.

They see everyone around them experiencing sex and romance, out there testing the waters. And they wonder why it hasn’t happened to them
They can feel it. Sense it. They know that they are invisible to the world as a sexual being. But they can’t explain it and have 0 words to describe it.
Most of them won’t have anyone to talk about this with, and that’s when their brain comes up with the
Sex God Complex which we’ll get into in a min.
They start to feel like their personalities are better than the ppl getting chosen by others, and don’t understand why no one else can see this.
As a result, they start becoming resentful, sad, jealous. They want romance and sex, but don’t know how to ask for it and don’t know why it won’t just come.

They have an internal FREAK OUT bc of how restricted and blocked they feel.
(Saturns influence as the original ruler)
At the same time, they struggle w that Aquarian rebelliousness abt not wanting to be like everyone else and wanting these simple things.
A lot of them will begin to feel intimidated by people who are able to do what they feel they can’t do, and people who can talk about sex openly.

Sex, to these Aquas, becomes as sinister to them as Satan is to the Church.
What do people do when they’re intimidated? They get defensive. This is when that Sex God Complex comes in.
Their minds try to rationalize a
“can’t argue with that” reason for why the Aqua person isn’t experiencing romance.

They become prude-ish and snobby about sex. If they’re religious they may feel special in God’s eyes for being a virgin and being “clean” or “pure”
They usually begin to feel like people who have sex are the scum of the Earth.

They’ll say and feel this with their whole chest, so when they express these opinions to others it will come off as correct and morally responsible and make them seem very intelligent & above average
🐠🐠 But then!
They’ll usually keep this mindset for a few years. But suddenly (This is the influence of Uranus’ shock factor coming into play) they wake up one day and everyone is wondering when did they get so fine!

Omg, it’s like they’re hardly recognizable.
Alot of them will suddenly lose weight, get taller, their skin will glow and people begin to notice their sexual energy.

It starts coming from them like a running faucet

A lot of them will become walking sex gods. Next thing you know they’re in a relationship and everything.
However, seeing as how most of them spent many years feeling awkward and alienated, they may not know what to do with their newfound sex appeal.
Even in their 30s, SOME of them will still hold a
“ not like the other girls ~~ “ mentality towards sex & people who are in control of their sexuality. (Let it go y’all)
Others will join in on the fun and become sexually progressive. They’ll participate in movements like Free the Nipple and Amber Rose Slut Walk. This is the group minded, humanitarian side of Aquarius.
The reason for all of this at the root of it all is because Aqua is the natural opposer of Leo, who rules over sex and romance. Why this manifests as a years-long ordeal, I’m not sure.
We can work on finding the answer together.

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Thank you for reading!


Oh and I did forget to add that Scorpio Moons, Libra Mars, Libra Risings, 5H placements and Leo placements will be less inclined to experience most of this
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