REVIVAL! O, REVIVAL! I will tell you today about revival. Three times I will tell you of revival, once for the Father, once for the Son, and once for the Holy Ghost. (That’s sexist! Isn’t it time that the godhead included some women of color?!)
How much truth do you need to be true? Two men could have substantially different faith, different doctrines, they could read the same bible in two incompatible ways. Both believe, so which one has salvation?
You say that you have made Christ your cornerstone, fine, but you built a whole cathedral, where did you get the rest of those bricks? They came from your culture, and to mix metaphors, you are badly in need of some probiotics
The church is the body of Christ, and it is sick with modern ideas—a memetic infection against which it has no antibodies. You think perhaps that your faith is the one true faith, that your reading of the scriptures is the truest reading, but no one can read the thing in itself
Any particular practice of Christianity is a quantization of the truth, the word of God filtered through your brain but darkly. If you want to witness a REVIVAL, my friends, it will take a Christianity that is very different to the ones that we see today
The devil has put one over on you; though it took him centuries, he devised a theology that looked and felt like the word of God, holier than God, even. May I remind you that the devil can quote scripture and that sometimes, even sometimes, God can speak through a sinner like me
That diabolical theology has many names; you know it well. It teaches, above all, concern for the poorest. Far too much has been made of the charity Jesus showed to an adulteress, far too little of the way he rebuked Judas for wanting to sell her offering to aid the poor
You say, “we need a new religion,” but I say we need a new Christianity. God is dead, thus spoke Zarathustra, and we are all his cosmic murderers. But old Nietzsche neglected to mention that God has been dead before, and he has a knack for reviving himself, strange aeons &c.
The last time God died, his church arose in a radically new form. Perhaps God had to die again, perhaps that was always His plan. Or perhaps He, in the form of a fallible man, underestimated the ingenuity of Sodom.
Are you saying the sacrifice of Christ was not enough? Blasphemy! Blasphemy! It’s not that Christianity brought us these horrible things, it’s that Christianity in the current year is too weak to stop it.
There was no single pivotal moment in the corruption of the Christian church, only a long and gentle road to hell. The mandate of Heaven is slippery; when society is just and prosperous, then the mandate is manifest. When society is wicked, then the mandate has been lost
When the sacrificial animals are sleek, the offerings are clean and the sacrifices are observed at due times, and yet floods and droughts come [by the agency of heaven], then the altars should be replaced. --Mencius (Not Moldbug)
There is a great hunger for religion in our present age. There is, if I may be so crass, a market for a strong, masculine, warlike Christianity, and it is radically underserved. The shepherd who learns to tend this flock-in-waiting will be the prophet of a new American REVIVAL
And I find that Christians are an intransigent bunch, no offense, but most of you are in denial about the aspects of your faith that are socially constructed, and you use the scripture like a shield when you should be using it like a sword
If anyone calls you to own the problems with the philosophical artifacts of the church, you mutter some cope about living in a fallen world. I call this ostrich theology, because you bury your head in the sand
Still, there are some, shall we say, problematic portions of the New Testament, and we are going to have to exegete around them. I suffer not a woman to teach... very good. Neither male nor female in Christ... this will take some work
That Christianity is a feminization of Judaism is something we will have to overcome. Via the parable of the sower, we know that teachings are merely seeds, but the problems with Christianity are from something in the soil, what you call "terroir"
Jesus cursed the fig tree that was barren, and surely, this was an indictment of the soil, which is a metaphor for the human heart. But let us also understand this proverb as a meditation on the proper virtue of a woman
This woman cannot even conceive of virtue in feminine terms. She understands only masculine virtue, and she covets it, because she desires to be virtuous, and yet feminism has rendered true feminine virtue illegible to her
I want more of the Jesus who cursed the fig tree. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? I want more of the Jesus who came to send fire on the earth!
The universalism of Christianity can be a weakness or a strength. It may be time to understand "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations" as an injunction to conquer.
It is important to understand such things as the proverb of the good Samaritan, or the phrase "neither jew nor gentile", not as affirmations of progressive dogma, but as condmenations of them, as a commandment against the construction of intersectional victim identities
In Roman times it was perhaps unimaginable that the devil would turn Jesus' blessing of the meek into an idolatry of weakness. “The meek shall inherit the earth” was a prophecy of destruction, not a pronouncement of moral desert. In these latter days, it has come to pass
This new Christianity must make a virtue of physical strength, and the cultivation of the body. It is not enough to teach that the body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. That verse is about sex, not strength. And yet, it would not be unreasonable to add deadlifts to the liturgy
"For bodily exercise profiteth little" must be interpreted as an endorsement of physical training, a righteous defense of the spirit against usury. Any other reading is heresy.
The diabolical theology works by gaming the metrics of holiness, in order to usurp the authority of the priests. We see this often when the false teachers of our day claim that the grace of God would condone the sins of the most reprehensible sinners
Priest theology: Catholicism is the Christianity of the cathedral, and Robert Conquest taught us of the failure modes of cathedrals.
Merchant theology: Protestantism is the Christianity of the bazaar, and Charles Goodhart taught us the failure modes of the bazaar.
What we need now is warrior theology. Give me the Christianity of the battlefield. Give me not peace, but division! This, and only this, is the path to REVIVAL.
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