Most people don't actually care about being right, they just care about *FEELING* like they're right.

So become comfortable with the fact some people just don't get it, will never get it, and don't even want to get it, and life will be much less frustrating and far more amusing.
I let most people have the last word most of the time even if they're wrong for this reason.

Let them feel like they've won.

In the end, I'm the real winner, because I'm not the one walking around believing nonsense.

Not being a slave to your ego is a superpower.
Egotists act like they don't care, but they can't help but care, because they can't handle feeling like they've lost

They get fully invested in disagreements no matter how stupid because they need to win

This is a weakness

Truly not giving a shit requires transcending the ego.
When I was young & immature, it'd bother me when I felt like someone had got the better of me because they'd had the last word and therefore "they won"

But this mindset's really an insecure one, because it means you rely on the external rather than the internal to feel validated
Realise most people think like, and are insecure like this

The only difference between a regular person and a narcissist is the narcissist veils their insecurity with arrogance and aggression to appear strong - but you know they're insecure beneath it because they care too much.
This is also why narcissists frequently say how little they care about things (to appear strong) whilst spending so much time and energy on things they supposedly don't care about it betrays the fact they actually do care.

If you didn't care, you wouldn't be wasting time on it.
Time is more valuable than money, so if you give something your time, you care about it.

This is one of the reason women are so expensive - they want to feel cared for, and they don't feel cared for unless they have your attention, which is why they take up so much of your time.
With women it really is:

>I need to feel important and cared about

>Therefore I need attention

>Therefore I need your time

And your time is your most valuable resource

Your time & attention to her is like her body to u

If you put no limits on what u give, she'll take it all
Anyhow, I digressed

Being arrogant & closed-minded about everything doesnt mean you're right about everything

It just allows you to feel right about everything

It's a coping & protective mechanism

Being comfortable with being wrong about something takes real maturity & growth
This is also why narcissists are such excellent bullshitters.

They've had a lot of practice.

Instead of admitting they don't know something, they make shit up and act like they know what they're talking about because "they don't want to look stupid"

Narcissists are children.
If you're smart enough to parse this thread, you'll see Venn overlap between narcissism, the ego & immaturity

It's not that they're all one and the same thing, but rather that they share many similarities

Not all immature people are narcissists, but all narcissists are immature
Until you're at peace with:

-Not winning every social situation

-Admitting you're unsure or wrong

-Being honest with yourself rather than reframing everything into a win for yourself

You haven't really grown up, you're still a child.

You're not perfect, learn to accept that.
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