Sitting here with a hot cup of tea in the arms of my first love, Insomnia, at 1:18 am, and ah what the hell - I'm gonna watch #HoaxedMovie!

May pause and tweet along the way.
Mon dieu, the cinematography! The editing! I'm 3 minutes in!
"In persuasion, there's a thing called framing: It's how you think about a situation. People can frame things very differently, and skilled persuaders are especially good at it. ...Whoever gets there first - It's tough to get that out of your head." ~ @ScottAdamsSays
"I think people who have been printed in the media a lot can start to identify who is fake news, because they know their true story more than anyone, and they can see who is not telling the truth." ~ @Cassie_Jaye
"Why is #AlexJones in a movie about fake news? In fact, I bet when this film comes out they're going to have reviews saying, "Ha ha... To cover fake news, they talked to the King of Fake News."
Wait a minute: Even if that was true, you'd wanna talk to the "king of fake news.""
"He said, "Ant, you're in a lot of trouble. You had great verbal dexterity on BBC News Watch & they're~saying, "My God this man might be able to have tea w/ the queen." I've gotten 4 or 5 calls~since you finished that interview saying "What do you got on this guy?"" ~ @Scaramucci
Anatomy of a Hit Piece #HoaxedMovie
"The fascinating thing is how they seem to play a game of telephone: of taking not just what Trump says and twisting it, but they'll take what each other of them say that Trump said, and they'll add details." ~ Alberto Martinez, Professor of History, University of Texas at Austin
"They're more interested in people tripping up on words rather than events.
All kinds of things happen in the world, alarming, important, urgent things.
...The sad state of the media is what are they obsessed with? What is their number 1 concern? It's Twitter." ~ Alberto Martinez
"There are a brutal number of fake news stories about the hideous nature of communism, and ... I have nothing but bottomless contempt for the people who cover this stuff up, because they are aiding and abetting some of the greatest genocides in human history." ~ @StefanMolyneux
"The reason why its so sinister, which you've talked about before Mike, is that they want us dead. ...This is not an academic difference in opinion. If the system that they want gets in power, myself, my friends, my family, everything, will be the first to go." ~ @StefanMolyneux
"Some of the formative documents that came out of Students for Democratic Society in the early 60s~clearly stated that student progressives needed to move into the major institutions of this country to affect change. The Media~was 1 of those institutions~targeted." ~ Jim Kuypers
"They give amplification to a message that they like.
And then if that message turns out to be false, they say, "Well, all we do is report the news."
No, you *chose* to report that though.
You chose to amplify that.
You chose to splice that clip and air it nonstop." ~ @Cernovich
"If you look at the mainstream media they are in lockstep with either the Pentagon, the State Department or officials that clearly do have an agenda...
Any empire, any corporation, any person knows that the only thing that could ever take them down is the truth." @Lukewearechange
"Decades ago it used to be the case that news divisions did their investigative reporting operating at a loss. They did so in the public interest. That's gone by the wayside. These days news organizations do specifically what behooves their bottom line." ~ @JamesOKeefeIII
"All photographs are rhetoric.

All photographs are accurate.

None of them are the truth.

Let's face it: We don't see the world in a still frame...

All photographs are kind of self-portraits. They're really a reflection of the photographer and the editor." ~ @peterdukephoto
"The most persuasive thing is visual, our visual sense overpowers everything else. So what they choose to show as an image is the message, no matter what the words on the screen say. What you remember is what you saw." ~ @ScottAdamsSays
"I decided to have a meetup [in Budapest] through my blog because they said, "Oh yeah the media's totally lying about this [migrant crisis], we'll show you what's really going on." And then I thought, "Wait a minute... I don't have readers - I now have sources." ~ Mike @Cernovich
"A lot of the traditional journalists, they get out of school, they look for a job.

A lot of independent journalists, know what they want to do, and oftentimes will fly themselves to some dangerous part of the world - because they want the story." ~ Tim Pool ( @Timcast)
"Here's another great example of fake news:

If you watch the news of the [2016] RNC you would be told Total Chaos...

You'd go to these protests, its 20 people...and 100 media people. ...And they would crop the shots so you couldn't really tell how many~were there." ~ @Cernovich
"Day 1 of the [2016] DNC I'm out there Periscoping, livestreaming videos - There are 5,000 people, at least, [protesting] at FDR Park across from the DNC.

You know how many mainstream journalists I saw there?

Zero." ~ Mike @Cernovich
"They're unbelievably lazy.

Being a right-winger in New York City, I'm drowned in the opposition. You learn to enjoy conflict, you learn to enjoy arguing. I think it makes you a more complete person.

And we wonder why the media has become mentally obese." ~ Gavin McInnes
"So the biggest rub on me is that, "I'm not a journalist." That's what they will say...

Whatever they want to call us, it doesn't matter. What matters is the thing that you are producing.

Journalism is not just an identity, it's an activity." ~ @JamesOKeefeIII
"WikiLeaks confirmed what people already knew but couldn't prove, which is that the Media and the Democrats are one & the same, there is no difference, they're all buddy-buddy, & whatever you read in the mainstream news is gonna be the Democrat talking points." ~ Mike @Cernovich
"There used to be a day when people said, "The news is at least trying not to be biased."

But now nobody believes that.

What they do believe, which is weirder & maybe worse, is they believe that only the other side is biased. And that's a tough one to crack." ~ @ScottAdamsSays
"You know, a lot of people will look at me and they'll say, "Lauren, you've obviously got a bias." Yeah, everyone has a bias. I'm just honest about it." ~ Lauren Southern
"It doesn't matter if you are one political side or the other, it matters are you going to tell the truth about what happened?

And so with a lot of these journalists, they're more interested in winning, the political agenda, fitting in, than being honest." ~ @Timcast
"One of the reasons that someone like Mike I think aggravates journalists so much is that he's sort of like a carnival mirror.

He's projecting back at them what they do, but to an absurd and almost offensive level." ~ @RyanHoliday
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