Find 3 hobbies - one to make u money, one to keep u in shape, one to keep u creative
The less u try to impress, the more impressive u are.
Not everyone u lose is a loss.
Have u settled down ?
If u treat me like an option, I'll leave u like a choice.
I notice everything, I just act like I don't
If u are too tired to speak, sit next to me. I'm fluent in silence
There's a difference between being liked nd being valued. Lots of people will like u, not many will value u....Be valued.
Key to happiness.......stay away from idiots.
If they respect u, respect them
If they disrespect u, respect them.
U represent urself, not others.
Treat me like a joke nd I'll leave u like it's funny.
The cost of discipline is very less than the cost of regret. So self discipline is the biggest investment for success in life.
When ur past calls, don't answer. It has nothing new to say.
Beauty is power.
A smile is it's sword 😊
If u ever find urself in a wrong story,,, leave.
If u are confident, u are beautiful.
Before u ask, why somone hates u. Ask urself, why u even care.
The Goddess of Small Things
If u like someone, set them free. If they come back it means nobody liked them. 😂😂
The time u feel lonely, is the time u most need to be with urself.
Live for the moments, u can't put into words
The older I get, the more I understand that it's ok to liv a life that others don't understand.
Mindset is what, separates the best from the rest.
Hold everything in ur hand lightly bcoz it hurts when God pries ur fingers open
Today know that u are good enough.
Stop worrying if u are pretty enough,
strong enough, rich enough, smart enough. U must kno U are enough. Don't let negative thoughts hav power over u. Take a deep breath & kno that U matter & U are ENOUGH.
One of the most beautiful qualities of friendship is, to understand & to b understood.
I hav no time to battle egos & small minds.
Let the rains wash away all the pains of yesterday ☔🌨️
The biggest wall you've got to climb, is the one u build in ur mind.
u break me down,
u build me up.
Shayars don't drink beer, they ghazal it down
You're so fake that even China denied they made u.
Mirrors don't lie & good, that they don't laugh.
When someone says, " xpect the unexpected". Give them a punch nd say, "u didn't xpect this, did u ?"
Do not let someone's irresponsibility bcome ur responsibility.
When the world drives me crazy, music keeps me sane.
Doubt kills more dreams than failure.
She decided to move ahead with her plans & left behind her dreams. A doctor was born & an artist died.
Words make u think a thought.
Music makes u feel a feeling.
A song makes u feel a thought.
--E.Y. Harburg
Tell me & I forget,
Teach me & I remember,
Involve me & I learn.
- Benjamin Franklin
Some folks r wise,
Some r otherwise.
Appear as u are,
Be as u appear.
Stop stopping urself.
If u stay positive in a negative situation, u win.
The things that make me different, r the things that make me.
When I was walking alone, I wished that I reach the end of the road. But now that u have joined me, I wish the road never ends.
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond, what the eyes can see.
That awkward moment when you're wearing Nike & can't do it.
The path isn't a straight line. U continually come back to things u thought u understood, & see deeper truths.
Let your faith be bigger than your fear.
If u love it, never give up on it.
Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.
If I ever tell u about my past, it's never because I want u to feel sorry for me. It's so that u can understand why I am & who I am.
🍂 Just quotes 🍂
Doubt is a dream stealer.
Part of her mystery is how she's calm in the storm, and anxious in the quiet.
U deserve the love u keep giving everyone else. Don't forget to love urself.
It hurts before it heals.
She's a paradox.
She's faithful & yet detached.
She's committed & yet relaxed.
She loves everyone & yet no one.
She's sociable but also a loner.
She's gentle & yet tough.
She's passionate but can b platonic.
She's predictable in her unpredictability.
In a world full of trends, I want to remain a classic.
Your wound is probably not your fault, but your healing is your responsibility.

🌼 Denice Frohman🌼
The best weight you will ever lose, is the weight of other people's opinion about you.
Friendship isn't a big thing, it's a million little things.
Abilities outweigh disabilities.
Instead of worrying what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.
Never assume that loud is strong & quiet is weak.
Change how you see, & see how you change.
You are the greatest project you will ever work on.
If u think someone's post is about u, truth is it probably isn't, but u see urself in it. So don't get upset with the mirror, fix the reflection.
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
Don't blame the distractions, improve your focus.
When life is just too much,,,,,,take a nap.
U cannot talk butterfly language with caterpillar people.
Your life is a symphony, not a note.
- Seth Godin
Honour your goodness and the goodness of others.
We try so hard to b perfect in the eyes of the world, that it distracts us from embracing our imperfections.
Make yourself a zone of peace.
Royalty is born when u adorn simplicity.
Love in such a way, that the person you love feels free.
The greatest prayer is patience.
We are tender & fierce. We are soft & strong. We are fragile & courageous. Sometimes all in a day.
Double chins are better than double faces.
In the rush to return back to normal, use this time to consider which parts of normal are worth rushing back to.
Spirituality is not about developing a new personality, it is about rediscovering your reality.
Hardship often prepares an ordinary person for an extraordinary destiny.
- C. S. Lewis
Be the one who makes others feel included.
Ur kindness makes a difference.
True guidance can b found within.
Be patient with yourself. Nothing in nature blooms all year.
Within you there is a sanctuary to which you can retreat and be yourself.
There is enough love within your heart to give to the entire planet and you will never run out.
- Francois
If you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished ?
- Rumi
We all are imperfectly perfect. Our imperfections create our uniqueness, and our uniqueness is the best contribution we can give to the planet.
We are made of stories.
Not being able to find words to describe what's exactly is going on inside you is the worst feeling.
Too much light can blind you ; you need darkness for balance.
- TheMindsJournal
A calm mind will always bring a better outcome.
- unknown
No matter how long you have travelled in the wrong direction, you can always turn around.
- unknown
Our fate lives within us. You only have to be brave enough to see it.
- unknown
While sanitizing & wiping everything, make sure to sanitize your soul & wipe away hatred.
If you focus on hurt, you will continue to suffer but if you focus on the lesson, you will always grow.
- Unknown
The demon is always within.
The goddess is always within.
The battle too is always within.
And so is the triumph, of one over the other.
Which one over which one ?
The choice is also somehow always within.
- Urna
Simplicity is a fashion, that everybody cannot afford.
- unknown
Don't let your mind bully your body.
- June Tomaso Wood
Sometimes you make a mistake, sometimes a mistake makes you.
- unknown
I don't trust words, I trust vibes.
People can tell you anything,
but a vibe tells you everything.
- unknown
You cannot make someone understand a message, they are not ready to receive.
- unknown
Don't do something permanently stupid when you're temporarily upset.
- unknown
We mature with the damage, not with the years.
-Mateus William
Nothing can disturb your peace of mind, unless you allow it to.
Once you learn to create your own happiness, no one can take it from you.
- unknown
Change is not merely necessary to life.... It is life.
- unknown
" I AM" are two of the most powerful words. For what you put after them, shapes your reality.
- unknown
Forgive people by forgetting them.
For one who sees Me everywhere,
And sees everthing in Me,
I am never lost,
Nor is he ever lost to Me.
- Bhagavad Gita
Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind
Be led by your dreams in your heart.
- Roy T Bennett
There are two types of tired.
One is a dire need of sleep,
the other is a dire need of peace.
- unknown
Sometimes I want to treat people
the way they treat me.
But I can't, because
that's not my character.
- unknown
Stay away from people
who are always bragging
about who they are.
A lion will never have to tell you
It's a lion.
Appearances are not good or bad. Minds are.
- unknown
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