bts as singaporean sec sch students thread:
- orders kaya waffle during recess
- softball vice pres n student council president
- freaking genius super helpful n nice!!
- english A1 nth less hoho
- chem n bio teachers’ fav student but also keep breaking test tubes
- top scorer with 6 pts b4 deduction
- drama club vice pres
- “u think i huanlo (care)??”
- narcissistic but not too overboard
- orders bandung during recess cause pink what
- tells canteen auntie short of 10c but actually has $10 note chucked in his wallet
- gets away with late submissions bc tchrs love him
- fnn student n surprisingly cooks well
- late n always no nametag
- dm’s fav boy bc he always suay suay kena caught w/ wrong attire
- slack in sch but mug @ home
- secretly a genius
- his pic shows up on screen during result collection cause top scorer n everyone chokes!
- class welfare manager
- from dance club
- “auntie i want bak chor mee add crabstick”
- “oh you want borrow my notes? just take dunnid paiseh”
- excels in amath
- super nice everyone loves him
- radiates so much positive energy
- everyone wants to sit beside him in class
- friendly to everyone
- lowkey teacher’s pet
- fav canteen food is chicken hamburger
- best bros with hoseok
- class key holder n student council vice president n also from dance club
- ppl come sch at 7:15 he show up at 6am to study in canteen with namjoon before assembly
- jungkook’s bf(f)
- “auntie i wan mac n cheese add cheese”
- kena in house suspension once bc itchy hand press fire alarm
- “cher can go toilet pls damn urgent”
- knows 90% of the cohort n always have the loudest cheers
- asks a lot of qns bc he slacked in lower sec lol
- “auntie fruit punch 不要冰 (no ice)”
- napfa gold
- takes art for coursework
- smells better than most girls in class
- volunteered 2 be art club vice pres bc he wants pts to deduct Os
- 2848393 piercings and god knows where they came from and why but teachers like him
**** namjoon might even be that student who takes music as a subject for Os bc he’s that POWERFULJSNDND
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