I believe RM is a natural genius with words on the level of Shakespeare, and his craft is still being refined. I say this every time he posts, and I want to discuss why I don't think this is an exaggeration. (Thread)

Most average authors write as if describing a picture in front of them - like an amateur creating a still-life. It may take shape and hint at the depth of what they are seeing, but we will never truly be able to experience what it is they are attempting to communicate.+
Good authors move past the basic creation of a "still-life" that mimics the picture an idea or phrase has created in their mind.

They take the idea or phrase and open it up, examine it from every angle, noticing its light and shadow, looking for the facets of a jewel inside.+
Great authors have the ability to examine the jewel-like ideas revolving in their minds & allow words to shine light on them, using many different angles to illuminate the different facets. They explore one idea from dozens of angles, but can distill each into perfect phrases.
There are many good authors who attempt this and have some success. But in each generation there are a few naturally gifted creatives whose ability to communicate incredibly complex thoughts via perfectly-crafted words simply sets them apart from the rest. RM is one of those.
Because we often call what he is doing "wordplay", it is easy to take it lightly or reduce it to a mental game. But RM is not simply playing with words; he is opening, exploring, and constructing whole new worlds of thought using his words, like a light shining through a prism.
What sets a great author apart from a good one is not their ability to see the many facets of a thought or idea, but their ability to calibrate the words they use to communicate an idea so perfectly that the reader (or listener) experiences deep, transformational emotion.
Great authors communicate what they are experiencing and thinking in such a way that it provokes a response in the reader/listener.

They deny us the option of passivity with their words.

And RM, like other great creatives before him, is crafting words that demand a reaction.
When we listen to mono., or hear his UN speech, or read his letters, we cannot help but be moved. We are pulled toward his words, drawn in by their passion and sincerity.

This is the hallmark of every truly great author. Their words are magnetic and confront our passivity.
The depth of RM's thoughts and complexity of his mind have obviously been instrumental in the path @BTS_twt has walked to success, and he has been fortunate to be supported and surrounded by those who have encouraged and facilitated his natural gift.
He's still young, but what RM is doing with language - multiple languages - is extraordinary. I hope future @BTS_twt documentarians look back and explore his genius.

There is no doubt; he deserves to be recognized as one of the foremost creative minds of this generation.
Apparently Jungkook agrees with me, LOL! 😊💜 https://twitter.com/doyou_bangtan/status/1087435403232067584?s=19
In case anyone hasn't read the letter from RM that caused me to write the thread above, here is a post including a translation of it in English: https://twitter.com/hopekidoki/status/1087488127541796864?s=09
You can follow @msbeatrice_81.
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