I’ve finally realized why relationships and marriages don’t last.
Everyone goes into relationships/marriage with the mindset that it’s going to be rainbow and unicorns all the time and I am here to tell y’all right now that if you can’t handle a committed relationship, your marriage is going to fail miserably.
1. You and your partner will always have difference.

How you work through this is by both of you putting your pride to the side and your selfish needs and learn how to COMPROMISE. This is a team effort.
2. Selflessness is better than selfishness.

Though you are two individuals coming together, you have to remember to put your partner’s needs above your own. The act of selflessness is not supposed to be toxic. Just an fyi.
3. If you won’t do it while in a committed relationship, you won’t do it once you’re married.

That mentality of waiting to do certain things after you say “I do” is very flawed. Another reason why a lot of marriages fail.
4. If you do not understand your partner, you can not love them.

A lot of y’all think that love is enough, hence the reason why relationships and marriages are failing. If you lack understanding and patience and love runs out, you’re screwed.
5. Love is NOT a feeling; love is an action.

Love is also a decision. Love means “I may not like you right now but I love you”
Love is 1 Corinthians 13:4
6. A relationship without God as the center is just a pastime.

A lot of y’all have a worldly perception of marriage and relationships and you don’t view relationships or marriage the way God does. This is a major problem.
7. If your partner doesn’t help you to become better and vice versa, then what are y’all really doing?

If the person you’re with doesn’t promote growth in any area of your life, why are you with them? If you’re still in the same place, there’s a problem.
8. A lot of y’all are quick to give up when times get rough.

When you and your partner are facing hard times, giving up should be the last resort. You’re being tested.

Get on your knees and PRAY. The enemy is trying to destroy the relationship.
9. The mentality that you have to accomplish everything in life before you get in a relationship or get married is extremely flawed.

Where in the Bible have you read that they had to acquire all this wealth or material goods before getting married?🧐
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