It’s gonna be crazy in five years when so many people are going to pretend they either didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 or stopped supporting him early in 2017.
“Yeah, I reluctantly voted for him because I hated HRC, but after the travel ban and the firing of Comey, he lost me. I knew in the first five months he wasn’t up to it.”
“I voted for McMullin. I knew I couldn’t vote Hillary, but there was no way I was voting Trump.”
“People forget, it wasn’t obvious he was a crook before the election. Once that became clear in late 2017, I stopped supporting him. I mean, he was never really a Republican anyway.”
“I just couldn’t take the idea of the Bushs’ and the Clintons’ having the whole dynastic thing. But after ACA repeal failed, I was pretty much in favor of dumping him.”
“I voted Cruz in the primary and wrote-in Colin Powell in the general. I was a Never Trumper early on.”
“Even Democrats were admitting he was a successful businessman. It’s not like we knew he was a idiot and a criminal until late 2018 or early 2019.”
“I knew he was an idiot in the 1980s. No way I was ever voting for him.”
“I was pretty torn. I voted GOP my whole life, since I was 18. But I just couldn’t pull the lever for that guy—he wasn’t even a Republican.”
“I mean, I’m a conservative. That guy is NOT conservative. My buddies tied to convince me on the judges thing, but I wasn’t going to compromise my principles for a bunch of judges.”
“I actually didn’t vote in 2016. The whole thing just turned me off, so I sat that one out.”
“Yeah, I vote for him. I even stuck with him through the tax cuts. But the Kavanaugh debacle was the last straw for me. I wasn’t one of those guys who stuck with him till the bitter end.”
“I knew it was going to be a disaster right from election night. I just totally checked out for four years, basically.”
“I was a Christie guy, so when he signed up with Trump I figured I’d give it a go. But the way he treated him during the transition? I was out before inauguration.”
“As soon as Romney gave that speech during the primaries, I was out. You know, my grandparents are from Utah.”
“Are you serious? I can’t believe you think I actually would have voted for him.”
“I was quiet, sure. I wasn’t going to put a Clinton side in my yard or anything. Heck, she would probably have been worse. But no, I didn’t vote for him. And after he won, I was hoping Pence would take the wheel ASAP.”
“I was tellling you how much I hated him during the transition. I didn’t want him to win, everyone said he wasn’t going to.”
“C’mon, man. You saw the way he talked about women. I have daughters. You think I was going to vote for him?”
“I never defended the guy. How could you? But they all said he would be a normal Republican after taking office. As soon as he wasn’t, I bailed. You remember, I *hated* the guy by the 2018 election.”
“I was in a serious libertarian phase in 2016. Voted for Gary Johnson.”
“Nah, dude. I’m a serious conservative. I wrote-in Gingrich.”
“I might have voted for him, but the Access Hollywood tape was unforgivable.”
“We were actually in Canada during the election. I never got an absentee ballot. Not sure what I would have done. Probably voted for McMullin or wrote in Romney.”
“We had literally just moved to San Diego, and I wasn’t able to register to vote.”
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