OK. Time to share another knee-buckling piece of info. Those of us who track the intersection btwn Nazis/White Suprems & Trump admin caught something months ago, but held back b/c further MSM reporting was needed - or we'd be slandered as "Alex Jones-level conspiracists" again...
3/ Pin that above fact.
Let me introduce a very important number to the Nazis/White Supremacists - & the @GOP propagandists that elevate their messaging, whether they believe in it or not (because it stokes division & solidifies Trump's base).
That's their number.
6/ There's a reason American Nazis & White Supremacists - aka Trump's base - know for certain that he's "with them".
They get verification on the daily from the administration itself.
Stop being naive. People like Stephen Miller & Kirstjen Neilson know EXACTLY what they're doing.
Annnnd... scene. 🎬 https://twitter.com/LincolnsBible/status/1086309151074971649
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